
Koikatsu Translations

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Koikatsu Translations

English translation project for Koikatsu.

The translations are applied while the game is running and do not require replacing or modifying any game files.



  1. Ensure you have the prerequisites installed.
  2. Go to the releases page and download the latest version. Alternatively, advanced users can get the latest beta translations by clicking on the "Clone or download" button above. If you are a translator, read the sections below to see how to contribute to the translations.
  3. Extract the zip and place the BepInEx folder inside your game folder (where the file game executable is).


There are over 175,000 unique lines of text that need translation and any help is appreciated. Regardless of your translation skill and Japanese knowledge you can still help with translations. Even if you have no experience, you can help by proofreading or using machine translation services such as Google Translate or DeepL (recommended). In the case of machine translations, clean up the translation using sanity and a little logic.

Translation done purely by machines must be kept in the designated files (zz_machineTranslation.txt files within RedirectedResources). These should be considered placeholders until manual translations are available (those should go into translation.txt). The goal is to have everything, manually translated.

  • Text - Normal text replacements and modifications.
  • Texture - Image replacements.

Basic operation and structure

Each translation line follows the pattern:

original text=translated text



Lines beginning with // are considered comments, i.e., they are not considered in the translation.

The translations are all inside the Bepinex\Translation\en folder. They are then split into the following directories:

  • RedirectedResources - Replaces the texts embedded in the game files. These translations are loaded only when the game needs the corresponding file, so it is preferable to use this directory instead of the Text directory because of its accuracy and performance. This directory mimics the structure of the game, placing a folder for each resource file (such as the ".unity3d" files).
  • Text - Generic translations that are loaded when the game opens. All texts that are not translated in RedirectedResources are checked into this directory. If there is no translation, then the original untranslated text is displayed in the game, Google Translator is called, the translated text is written to _AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt and only then the translation is displayed in the game. The text in this folder can be handled with regular expressions (Regex), resized, and separated by game scene instead of being separated by files. This directory is often used in user interfaces (UI) because of these features.
  • Text\Localizations - Strings under this folder were dumped via TextDump. Translations can be added for missing entries, but new entries should not be added or merging future dumps will become difficult.
  • Texture - Contains the translated version of game images. The game images are translated using image editing software. If available the source files (.psd, .xcf, etc.) files can be found in the project's Image Source Files folder.

Coordinate with other translators on the Koikatsu Discord #lingual-studies channel. To avoid translation conflicts please ask if anyone is working on a file. If you have any questions about the quality of your translations, ask for advice on the server.

How to add or improve translations

  • If you want to make a simple edit simply open the file in question and click edit. After you are done editing, commit the changes and start a pull request.
  • If you have more translations to submit fork the repository. This will make a copy of the original project in your account. Upload your changes to the fork into your account, and then send a pull request to the original project. Your pull request will be reviewed and accepted after a quality check. Again, avoid raw machine translations. Proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling is a must.

Text Translations

Texts that are not translated in RedirectedResources use the Text directory. In this directory the first translation found for a given text is used every time that this same text is found. But sometimes the same word can have different meanings depending on where you are in the game, in this case you can use the "scope level" feature to tell which translation should be used in that part of the game.

Scope Levels

To use scope levels, use the following structure:

#set level xxx
#unset level xxx

Where "xxx" represents the number of the desired scope level. Below is a table containing the known scope levels and their locations:

Known Scope Levels

Level Description
-1 (global)

Resource Translations

The folder RedirectedResources is the main translation directory for the game, so it gets special treatment.

Inside each folder there is a file named translation.txt, this is the file where the translations should go. In some folders there is also the file zz_machineTranslation.txt which is where machine translations go, that usually have a lower quality.

Every translation.txt file has the raw Japanese text that needs translations. Each one starts commented out (// at the begining) so it will not be loaded. For your text to display correctly in game, put the translation on the right side of the equal sign and remove the // at the start of the line. Do not edit the Japanese text or the translation will not work. Example:





If zz_machineTranslation.txt files are present only lines that are not translated by translation.txt will be used. If the file translation.txt has been fully translated, the file zz_machineTranslation.txt can be deleted. The goal of this translation project is that none of the zz_machineTranslation.txt files remain.

The assets folder inside of Bepinex\Translation\en\RedirectedResources can be compressed into a .zip archive to be read by the game (simply right-click on the assets folder and then compress to .zip). Uncompressed files under assets are also still loaded. The game has to be restarted in order to see updated translations.

The plugin TextResourceRedirector is required for these translations. Always keep it updated.

Structure of the "RedirectedResources" directory

Table with the localization of the translations for each part of the game:

Folder Description
action/list/event Event titles
adv main game dialogs
communication main game dialogs
custom/customscenelist Maker Pose Text
etcetra/list/nickname Call Names
h/list/*/animationinfo_* Positions (game versions)
h/list/*/hpointtoggle Positions (game versions)
h/list/*/personality_voice* H Subtitles
list/characustom Maker stuff
list/characustom/*/cha_sample_voice_* Personality names
list/random_name Random names
map/list/mapinfo Map names
studio/info Studio stuff


Character Personalities
ID Name Eng Name Source
00 セクシー系お姉さま Sexy
01 お嬢様 Ojousama
02 タカビー Snobby
03 小悪魔っ子 Kouhai
04 ミステリアス Mysterious
05 電波 Weirdo
06 大和撫子 Yamamoto Nadeshiko
07 ボーイッシュ Tomboy
08 純粋無垢な子供 Pure
09 アホの子 Simple
10 邪気眼 Delusional
11 母性的お姉さん Motherly
12 姉御肌 Big Sisterly
13 コギャル Gyaru
14 不良少女 Delinquent
15 野生的 Wild
16 意識高いクールな女性 Wannabe
17 ひねくれ Reluctant
18 不幸少女 Jinxed
19 文学少女 Bookish
20 モジモジ Timid
21 正統派ヒロイン Typical Schoolgirl
22 ミーハー Trendy
23 オタク女子 Otaku
24 ヤンデレ Yandere
25 ダル Lazy
26 無口 Quiet
27 意地っ張り Stubborn
28 ロリばばあ Old-Fashioned
29 素直クール Humble
30 気さく Friendly Free DLC
31 勝ち気 Willful Personality Expansion DLC (07/27)
32 誠実 Honest Personality Expansion DLC (07/27)
33 艶やか Glamorous Personality Expansion DLC (07/27)
34 帰国子女 Returnee AfterSchool Expansion DLC (12/21)
35 方言娘 Slangy AfterSchool Expansion DLC (12/21)
36 Sッ気 Sadistic AfterSchool Expansion DLC (12/21)
37 無感情 Emotionless AfterSchool Expansion DLC (12/21)
38 几帳面 Perfectionist Yoyaku Preorder Exclusive DLC
NPC Personalities
ID Name Eng Name
-1 リナ・ロベール Lina Roberts
-2 橋本麗奈 Hashimoto Reina
-4 櫻井野乃花 Sakurai Nonoka
-5 姫川舞 Himekawa Mai
-8 柊このみ Hiiragi Konomi
-9 結城桜 Yuuki Sakura
-10 水瀬亜依 Minase Ai

Personality Asset Locations

Type Location (replace ## with ID from table above)
Dialog (adv) adv/scenario/c##/*
Dialog (communication) communication/info_*/*_##
Call Names etcetra/list/nickname/*/c##
H Lines h/list/*/personality_voice_c##_*

NPC Personalities only have entries under Dialog (adv) and H Lines.

Specialized translation lines

There are some specialized resources handled by the resource redirection that require some additional handling.

Format strings

Format strings have replacements in them processed by String.Format. The sections that are replaced by the game engine will look like {0}, {1}, {2}, etc. Usually they are a character name or the name of some item. The same replacements found in the original string should exist in the translated string.


{0}と仲がいいと思ってるわ=I think I'm good friends with {0}.

ADV Choices

Because these strings are encoded into a larger entry in the resource files they require special handling by TextResourceRedirector to ensure the text that should no be replaced remains untouched, while allowing the displayed text to be translated. These lines will start with CHOICE: followed by the text that needs to be translated. On the right side of the = you need only include the translated text without the CHOICE: prefix.



Optional Prefixes

There are a number of assets that support the use of optional prefixing to get a more exact match. This allows for more specific translations in cases where multiple assets might match the same replacement code. Matching for these assets will first try the prefixed match, then fall back to the standard un-prefixed match. Given the following translation file:


Trying to match こんにちは for an asset using PREFIX1 would return Hi!, where an asset using PREFIX2 would fall back to Hello..

Some prefixes can be combined with numbers, which limit them to matching specific table rows or columns.

asset location prefix Notes
adv/scenario/ CHOICE:
communication/*/optiondisplayitems_* OPTION[x]: x will be an integer representing a question ID
etcetra/list/nickname SPECIAL:
list/random_name NAME[x]: x is the column (1-2 surname, 3-4 female given, 5-6 male given)


  • TranslationSync is a plugin for formatting and copy/pasting translations between files when there are duplicate entries.
  • Release Tool - Tool that cleans up the translation files to remove any unnecessary untranslated parts (in this repo).
  • Yomichan - This browser plugin allows you to see the definition of Japanese words by putting your mouse over them in the browser and pressing shift.
  • Dictionaries:


Id Status Current translation contributors
NPC -1 100.00% ShadowTsuki, Avvilimento
NPC -2 45.31% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
NPC -4 34.13% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
NPC -5 03.81% ShadowTsuki, DeathWeasel1337
NPC -8 56.01% DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
NPC -9 02.51% ShadowTsuki
NPC -10 100.00% Avvilimento, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 00 96.19% GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, DeathWeasel1337, ScrewThisNoise, 09eragera09
Pers. 01 05.65% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 02 03.62% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 03 03.83% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 04 04.33% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 05 04.49% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 06 04.36% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 07 95.52% ScrewThisNoise, DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 08 06.85% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, ScrewThisNoise, 09eragera09
Pers. 09 05.84% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, ScrewThisNoise
Pers. 10 16.01% DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 11 03.99% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 12 03.52% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 13 85.86% DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ScrewThisNoise, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 14 06.50% GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, DeathWeasel1337, 09eragera09
Pers. 15 09.18% DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, ScrewThisNoise, 09eragera09
Pers. 16 03.70% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 17 07.57% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, WataThaBradicus
Pers. 18 04.37% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 19 04.15% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 20 05.53% GeBo1, Erasmo, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, Francesc Xavier Caro Miro
Pers. 21 04.40% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 22 07.49% DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 23 03.38% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 24 98.73% ScrewThisNoise, GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 25 03.93% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 26 24.91% tstephenson888, GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, ScrewThisNoise
Pers. 27 05.63% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 28 04.01% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki
Pers. 29 04.27% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 30 96.06% ScrewThisNoise, GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 31 96.03% ScrewThisNoise, ManlyMarco, DeathWeasel1337, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 32 95.85% ScrewThisNoise, DeathWeasel1337, ManlyMarco, GeBo1, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 33 96.11% ScrewThisNoise, ManlyMarco, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, GeBo1, 09eragera09
Pers. 34 05.22% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 35 05.46% GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, 09eragera09
Pers. 36 79.00% Kropiciel, GeBo1, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, ScrewThisNoise, ManlyMarco, 09eragera09
Pers. 37 90.80% ScrewThisNoise, DeathWeasel1337, ShadowTsuki, ManlyMarco, GeBo1, 09eragera09
Pers. 38 03.11% GeBo1, ShadowTsuki
Event Titles 100.00% Avvilimento, ShadowTsuki
Maker Items 98.87% ShadowTsuki, GeBo1
Maker Pose Text 95.24% GeBo1
Map Names 100.00% GeBo1
Positions 99.30% GeBo1
Random Names 100.00% GeBo1
Studio Lists 69.40% ShadowTsuki, GeBo1