ionic-native Plugin wrapper for

This is a plugin generated using the ionic-native repo's instructions. I had to replace the @Cordova decorator with @CordovaCheck as Cordova is not exported from @ionic-native/core

To use this plugin in your capacitor project, simply add this dependency in your package.json

"@ionic-native/cordova-plugin-twiliovoicesdk": "" Then install the original plugin like:

npm install --save cordova-plugin-twiliovoicesdk
npx cap sync

And then to use it, import it using:

import { CordovaPluginTwilioVoiceSdk } from '@ionic-native/cordova-plugin-twiliovoicesdk';

Then run thie load function to wait for window.Twilio to be added in your android/iOS app.

await this.CordovaPluginTwilioVoiceSdk.load();

I might consider raising PR on the original ionic-native repo to have it listed as a supported cordova wrapper, but for now this just does the job for above plugin. Note: works only on android and iOS platforms.