
Scarlet reader is a picture/manga viewer based on Vue.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Scarlet Reader

Scarlet reader is a picture/manga viewer based on Vue.


demo src/examples gives more demos


  • horizon & vertical scrolling direction
  • normal & virtual scroller
  • sliding animation
  • touch event (only tested on Chrome mobile)
  • prev page/next page
  • slide to(only normal scroller)
  • slots for items


npm install scarlet-reader


yarn add scarlet-reader

in main.js (or other place before using <ReaderSlider> tags)

import Vue from 'vue'

// some other code...

import Reader from 'scarlet-reader'

// register reader components

// other code...
// new Vue()

In *.vue where you use it

<ReaderSlider :options="options" :items="items">
  <template v-slot:item="{ item, index, active }">
    <ReaderItem :index="index" :active="active">
      <img :src="item.src"/>
      <p>index: {{ index }}</p>
  <template v-slot:pagination="{ item, current, total }">
    <ReaderPagination :current="current" :total="total">
      <div> {{ current + '/' + total }} </div>

and provide items and options in data

export default {
  // some code here...

  data () {
    const items = []
    for (let i = 1; i <= 1207; i++) {
      items.push({ src: `/static/${i}.jpg` })
    return {
      options: {
        // some options

  // other code...

items in the list can be customized in <ReaderItem> as the way you like

to-do list

  • support slideTo on virtual scroller
  • support current in options indicates to sliding to where after initialization
  • loading slot in <ReaderItem>
  • pagination
  • touch support on Safari
  • performance improvement


property type default description
animateDuration Number 1000 the duration of sliding animation
batch Number 16 the amount of unreached items but pre-load into DOM
current Number 0 [TO BE SUPPORTED]
slide to the item which has this index after initialization
direction String vertical the sliding direction
easing [String, String] ['Quintic', 'Out'] easing type of tween.js which controls sliding animation
height String 600px height of visible reader div
percentage also supported (100%)
inertia Boolean true enable sliding animation
loading Boolean true [TO BE SUPPORTED]
enable loading slot display
margin String 0px margin between adjacent two items
pagination Boolean true [TO BE SUPPORTED]
enable pagination display
scale String 80% how much item will occupy on fixed direction
center automatically
speedLimit { down: Number, up: Number } { down: 0.1, up: 10 } sliding speed greater than up will be limited to up during animation;
speed less than down won't have inertia animation
virtual Boolean true enable virtual scroller - less memory and time to load, but cannot use slideTo method
width String 400px width of visible reader div
percentage also supported (100%)




  • options
    • type Object
    • example
        virtual: true,
        direction: 'vertical',
        margin: '0px',
        width: '590px',
        height: '940px',
        inertia: true,
        loading: true,
        batch: 10,
        speedLimit: { down: 0.2, up: 8 }
  • items
    • type Array
    • example
        { src: '1.jpg' },
        { src: '2.jpg' },
        { src: '3.jpg' },
        { src: '4.jpg' },
        { src: '5.jpg' }


  • slideTo
    slide to the given index. NOTE: ONLY support normal scroller, when options.virtual set to be false
    • param index
      index should in range of [0, length of items]
      • type Number
    • returns void
  • prev
    slide to previous page
    • param void
    • returns void


<!--in vue template-->
<ReaderSlider ref="slider" :options="options" :items="items">
// in component


  • changed
    current page has been changed for any reasons
    • param index
      new page index
  • prev
    trigger as prev method was invoked
    • param latest
      current page index (before change)
    • param next
      new page index (after change)
  • next
    trigger as next method was invoked
    • param latest
      current page index (before change)
    • param next
      new page index (after change)
  • slide-to
    trigger as slideTo method was invoked
    • param latest
      current page index (before change)
    • param next
      new page index (after change)


  • item
    • scoped varibles
      • index Number current page index
      • item Object current page data
      • active Boolean whether this page is loaded to DOM
  • pagination
    • scoped varibles
      • item Object current page data
      • current Number current page index
      • total Number amount of items



  • loading
    display when is loading [TO BE SUPPORTED]



about Scarlet

Scarlet is a cross-platform manga reader constructed by electron. One of components works with scarlet reader.