
This repository is made to fullfill the kumparan technical test designed using golang

Primary LanguageGo


This repository is CRUD API for news management applying the clean code with three layer of handler, service, and repository. Created using GO, using redis for caching, pure sql library (no ORM) and docker for containerizing.




This service come into two endpoint

  • /api/v1/articles/ for articles related
    • GET
      • query
      • author
      • page
    • POST
    • DELETE
    • PATCH
  • /api/v1/authors/ for authors related
    • GET
      • page
    • POST
    • DELETE
    • PUT

some of them containing extra query parameters and all of the documentation could be found in the doc folder. Documentation created using postman collection so import it to your local postman and start using it~

Technologies Used

  1. Go
  2. Docker
  3. Redis
  4. Postgresql
  5. go-migrate
  6. air
  7. cobra-cmd

How to run

  1. Install all dependencies listed above
  2. Create .env from .env.example and fill it up
  3. Run the docker container using docker-compose up -d to run on the background or docker-compose up --build to run in the CLI
  4. run
  5. to run the server
    1. air server for hot reloading after update
    2. go run main.go server