
this project shows an example how a ml-model may be developed and deployed to production using sklearn, flask and docker. Programming language - python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Sklearn-based ML model with flask built into docker.

This project provides an example how to develop and deploy ML model with Flask and Docker.

Here ML-model - Linear Regression. I used toy-dataset Boston to fit it and make predictions. You may look into ML_model_development.ipyng file to see how it the model was developed. Saved ML-model's filename on disk - model_saved.pkl. You may also take a look at file API_requests_example.ipynb to see how model may be uploaded and used.

In main.py there is the code combining flask and the ml-model.

In requirements.txt there are all necessary libraries for this project.

Docker-image creation.

In your OS (for example Ubuntu) with a previously installed docker go to project's folder and write:

docker build -t test_flask . (comma is also necessary)

Here test_flask - docker-image's name. Actually it is up to you how to name it

There is a docker-file in the project's folder where all required commands for creation of a docker-image are specified.

Docker-container creation.

After you finished with the creation of a docker-image you need to launch docker-container. Here is an example how to do it:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 test_flask This command forwards docker's port 8080 to your computer's port 8080 so hereby any requests to your computer's port 8080 would be forwarded to docker's port 8080 and back.

Interaction with the ml-model

In this project there are 3 implemented methods of client-server interaction.

One of them has been described in API_requests_example.ipynb. It requests library and get, post methods.

Let's assume that docker-container is running. You will see something like this in your terminal:

  • Serving Flask app 'first_app'
  • Debug mode: off WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Running on all addresses (
  • Running on
  • Running on

Press CTRL+C to quit

Thus we can send requests to a docker-container with the address

After launching container you can use of these three methods to interact wit it.

  1. - you will be redirected to a web form where you will be offered to input values required to make a predictin.
  2. First of all you have to make a json-request: data = {'ZN': 0, 'CHAS': 1, 'RM': 2, 'AGE': 3, 'TAX': 4, 'PTRATIO': 5, 'B': 6} . Then you have to put this json into post request and send to address and get and answer. For example, you may do it with requests library. More full description you may find in file API_requests_example.ipynb
  3. In your browser go to< ZN >/< CHAS >/< RM >/< AGE >/< TAX >/< PTRATIO >/< B >, enter valid values instead ZN, CHAS, ... and get an output.