In this repository you can find the worksheets for the module Open Quanum Systems , part of the MSc Quantum Science and Technology at Trinity College Dublin.
- Worksheet 1:
- simple unitary dynamics of single-qubit systems
- The simulated hamiltonians include driven systems with time-dependent perturbations
- A thorough study of the limits of the validity of the rotating wave approximaiton (RWA)
- The last exercises iclude two-qubit dynamics and a XXY Ising model for an open chain with 5 to 9 spings
- Worksheet 2:
- Dynamics for mixed states (
$\hat{\rho}$ ) - Properties of thermal states
- Biased multi-sided coin distributions
- Decoherence of a qubit due to transition frequency being a Gaussian random variable
- CPTP map for spontaneous emission using Kraus operators
- Two-qubit dynamics with interaction and purity of reduced density matrix
- Worksheet 3:
- Fluctuations of position and momentum of a simple harmonic hamiltonian
- Driven harmonic oscillator (analytical and numerical approach)
- Two coupled harmonic oscillators
- Husimi-Q functions of cat states (superposition) and mixed states. Both of coherent states
- Husimi-Q function of Fock state and Hilbert space trucation for infinite-dimensional oscillators
- Simulation of quadratic hamiltonians using displacement vector and correlation matrix dynamics. Evolution of bipartite Fock and coherent states
- M-mode quadratic hamiltonian with dynamical simulation of a thermalisation process
- Worksheet 4
- Two-qubit hamiltonian under dephasing. Lindblad equation.
- Master equation with linear dissipation in an M-mode system with quadratic hamiltonian. Finding the steady state of the system
- Use of superoperators for constructing a Liouvillian numerically. Lindblad equation for a thermal bath
- Vectorisation of operators
- Simulation of a driven-dissipative qubit described by an interaction-picture master equation
- Simulation of quantum jump trajectories for the driven-dissipative qubit
- Husimi-Q function of the steady state of a cavity mode interacting with a non-linear medium (anharmonic oscillator) for different values of the detunning (
$\Delta$ )