Business features

  • When registering new rentals, you can set PreparationTimeInDays. By default, this value is 0
  • Extended answer from /api/v1/rentals/{rentalId}. The answer now contains PreparationTimeInDays

Method PUT has added into Controller api/v1/rentals. Added the ability to edit the properties of the rental

  • You can freely increase the number of units
  • You can freely reduce the number of preparatory days
  • You can reduce the number of units, but on condition that the current booking schedule allows you to do this
  • You can increase the number of days of preparation, also if the schedule allows

Expanded response from /api/v1/calendar

  • Added preparationTimeInDays property
  • In response, added freeUnits properties for each dates object. freeUnits shows how many free units are left today
  • Nights property has been added to each element of the booking array. nights shows the duration of the booking


  • Unable to book a past date
  • Unable to register rentals if its Units 0 or less
  • It is impossible to register a booking if all rooms for the current period are occupied


  • Contract models have been moved to a separate assembly
  • Added assembly with message for all possible errors
  • Validation of input data has been moved to separated Filters. Controllers code only works with fully valid data
  • Exception handler added, it returns special ExceptionViewModel
  • Test Helpers added. This allows you to reduce the size of the test without losing logic
  • Added tests for checking PUT endpoint
  • TestServer recreated before each test method
  • Added logging