Learning go

First steps

First steps folder includes 6 small scripts I managed using Golang

  • even
  • geometry
  • max
  • multithread
  • strings
  • sum

To run a single script go to first_steps folder and run go run even.go in example


Write a function which takes an integer and halves it and returns true if it was even or false if it was odd. For example half(1) should return (0, false) and half(2) should return (1, true).


Just a plain code to measure perim and area of rect and circle by using interface and structs


Write a function with one variadic parameter that finds the greatest number in a list of numbers.


Just a plain code to print ping pong string by using channels


There are most common string fuctions you might use


Sum is a function which takes a slice of numbers and adds them together. What would its function signature look like in Go?

Rest API

We are building a simple REST-API with Golang a router package called Mux. The main resource we're going to work with is post

Go to rest_api folder, run go install, then run go run main.go and use the Postman for testing purposes.

Available endpoints

Create a post

POST http:localhost:8000/posts

  "title": "yours title",
  "body": "yours body text"

Get all posts

GET http:localhost:8000/posts

Get a single post

GET http:localhost:8000/posts/1

Update a single post

PUT http:localhost:8000/posts/1

  "title": "new awesome title",
  "body": "new awesome body"

Delete a single post

DELETE http:localhost:8000/posts/1