Laravel base module

This package is aimed at PHP developers who like to write and organize their code in an fast and readable way. Using this package enables you to create CRUD applications while using Domain Driven Design and the repository pattern.

Why would I use it?

Ever wondered why we recreate so much logic in Laravel? Controllers contain a lot of simmilarities, all our requests need validation, database transactions,... Why not encapsulate all this logic into a single package that handles almost everything.

Example Controller

In the example below we see a fully functioning UserController that handles everything we need from a CRUD controller in a handfull of lines. Most methods are inherited from the BaseController. These methods can be overwritten if needed.


namespace Project\Users\Http\Controllers;

use IlyasDeckers\BaseModule\BaseController;
use Project\Users\Http\Requests\StoreRequest;
use Project\Users\Http\Requests\UpdateRequest;
use Project\Users\Http\Resources\UserResource;
use Project\Users\Interfaces\UserRepositoryInterface;

class UserController extends BaseController
    protected $model;

     * Request validation rules
     * @var array
    protected array $rules = [
        'store' => StoreRequest::class,
        'update' => UpdateRequest::class,

     * Api resource
     * @var Clockwork\Users\Http\Resources\UserResource
    protected $resource = UserResource::class;
    public function __construct (UserRepositoryInterface $user)
        $this->model = $user;