
Node Image Resizer with Sharp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node Image Resizer with Sharp. If you find any bug feel free to open a new issue. (This is my first node project so I'm sorry if you don't like it :p)

Example url: http://nodeimageresizer.herokuapp.com/?url=https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/pia22228.jpg&width=386&height=450&resize=cover

How to setup

  1. Make sure you got node and npm installed.
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Run npm i
  4. Run node index.js
  5. Enjoy the server ;D


  • key: The key used to clear the cache.

How to use

Visit {host}:3000/ and there you'll have the image resizer. These are the params:

  • url [Required]: the original image url
  • width [Optional]: the new width
  • height [Optional]: the new height
  • resize [Optional]: the resize format. It can be cover, fill, contain, inside or outside. (Click here for more information)
  • gravity [Optional]: the gravity format. It can be north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, center or centre. (Click here for more information)
  • format [Optional]: the format of the image. It can be png, jpg, jpeg, gif, webp or tiff.
Argument Required Type Default Max Size
url yes URL - 200
width no Integer - 4000
height no Integer - 4000
format no String png -
resize no String cover -
gravity no String center -