
Old project, don't use it. TorrentSorter is a Node.JS program that sort all of your torrents (for servers like Plex, etc... or just for fun!).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


TorrentSorter is a Node.JS program that sort all of your torrents (for servers like Plex, etc... or just for fun!). Tested with qBittorrent v4.3.2


1st step: Install Node.JS from their website.

2nd step: Clone the repository

3rd step: Put the folder somewere (like the qBittorrent folder)

4th step: Modify the index.js file and add each files that you want to use as your libraries like that Installation

5th step: Use this command on a terminal:

npm install

6th step: Start qBittorrent (or other torrent downloader). Go to Tools -> Options -> Downloads -> Run external program on torrent completion and write:

node cmd /c "path/to/the/program/index.js" "%F"

7th step: Save!

All done!

Buy Me A Coffee


Pull requests are welcome!