
Trek, the CLI RPG that was planned and developed by Daniel Sanchez and Jackson Prince.

Run instructions:

to run this application you need the following: A text editor similar to VSCode or Atom Ruby The following Ruby gems: -- gem "activerecord" -- gem "sqlite3" -- gem "sinatra" -- gem "sinatra-activerecord" -- gem "require_all" -- gem "pry" -- gem "json" -- gem "rest-client" -- gem "tty-prompt" -- gem "paint"

(These will be included within the Gem file once the repo is cloned, if you run into any issues run "bundle install" within your terminal to fix any gem related errors.)

Once the following gems are correctly installed run 'rake db:console' in your terminal in order to fire up the game!

In-game Overview:

When the game loads up you will then be promted to enter your "Username" which saves the instance of the character your create to the name you enter. following this you will be prompted to choose a character:

Juggernaut - The Juggernaut is your classic RPG tank class! He has very high defensive stats with very low attack to ensure a slow crushing victory!

Street rat - Street rat is your standard modern day "Glass Cannon" overwhelmingly high attack with no defensives to keep him alive!

Warrior - Warrior is a lass with the most well rounded stats of all, the Warrior does not have any particularly high stats boosting his fighting capabilities because ALL of the warriors stats are perfect for staving off the enemy!

Tax collector - Tax collector is probably the most gimicky class we have created, the idea behind Tax collector is he has ALL low stats and extremely high currency(sheckles), with his sheckles he can buy many items from the shop to round out his gameplay giving him probably the most unqiue feel every play through!

Con artist - Con artist is also another gimick class, the idea behind Con artist is he has low stats similar to Tax collector... however Con artist runs off the stat we call "Luck" he has by far the highest luck base in the game bulstering his stats creating quite the formidable foe.

With a character picked out and named you're all ready to go! Dive into the minds of Daniel Sanchez and Jackson Prince in our series Trek while you battle enemies and beat bosses!