
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

🎵 music-with-kafka 🔈 🎶

This repository contains material for the Devoxx 2018 university "De la musique collaborative avec Kafka".


  1. You need to have docker and docker-compose installed.
  2. You also need to find some .ogg files to play. Please use the following configuration : directories and files should be named the same way. i.e: bass
    bass0.ogg bass1.ogg vocal
    vocal0.ogg ...
  3. Launch Kafka and create the needed topics :
sudo docker-compose up -d topic

Kafka Connect

We are using the kafka-connect-twitter connector.

  1. Change connect/twitter.json to add your twitter tokens (use twitter app manager)
  2. Launch the docker container with sudo docker-compose up -d connect
  3. You can now interact with the REST API to manage your running connectors. i.e :
# Retrieve the available connectors
curl http://localhost:8082/connector-plugins | jq

# Retrieve the running connectors
curl http://localhost:8082/connectors | jq
  1. Using curl you can now start the twitter connector with the following command: $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @connect/twitter.json localhost:8082/connectors | jq

Everything is ready ! You are now listening to #mwk on twitter !

For testing purpose, you can run the loader_script located in /connect. It will inject fake tweets in you twitter_json topic and you will be able to run the rest of the code.

Kafka Streams

  1. Launch the streaming application streams/gradlew build && streams/gradlew bootRun
  2. You can check the messages are correctly written in your topic using $KAFKA_HOME/bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic sounds --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --property "print.key=true"

Emitter (SSE toward the frontend)

The Emitter is a simple bridge between the Client and Kafka Streams.

It's consuming the 3 topics (sounds / user-feed / users) and simply redirects messages to the client via Server Sent Events (SSE)

To start the emitter application : emitter/gradlew build && emitter/gradlew bootRun


Client app will listen for incoming message from the emitter app by using SSE mechanism. You need to provide ogg audio files in (client/audio) in order to play music. (See Prerequisites)

To start the client : cd client && yarn install && yarn start


  1. Launch KSQL sudo docker-compose up -d ksql
  2. Start a command line : sudo docker-compose exec ksql ksql-cli local --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Then you can try the queries in ksql/queries.sql.