
Retrieve data such as name and others through the website cekdptonline.kpu.go.id

Primary LanguagePython


git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ImJoke/nik-info
cd nik-info
pip install -r requirements.txt


Using -n or --nik flag

python cekdptonline.py -n <nik>

Using -f or --file flag

python cekdptonline.py -f <file path>


Using -n flag

python cekdptonline.py -n 1234567891234567,1234567891234567,1234567891234567,...
python cekdptonline.py -n "1234567891234567 1234567891234567 1234567891234567 ..."
python cekdptonline.py -n "1234567891234567,1234567891234567,1234567891234567,..."
python cekdptonline.py -n "1234567891234567, 1234567891234567, 1234567891234567, ..."

Using -f flag

python cekdptonline.py -f path_1,path_2,path_3,...
python cekdptonline.py -f "path_1 path_2 path_3 ..."
python cekdptonline.py -f "path_1,path_2,path_3,..."
python cekdptonline.py -f "path_1, path_2, path_3, ..."

Help output

$ python cekdptonline.py -h
usage: cekdptonline.py [-h] (-n NIK [NIK ...] | -f FILE [FILE ...])

Get NIK information using NIK values from a file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NIK [NIK ...], --nik NIK [NIK ...]
                        Nomor Induk Kependudukan
  -f FILE [FILE ...], --file FILE [FILE ...]
                        Path to the file containing NIK values


Try to combine this tool with the nik-parser tool

Tested on

  • Windows 11 + Python ≥ 3.x.x + chrome
