GroceryListService The server is just a primitive gRPC driven web-server developed in Swift. It has single request which just replay with hardcoded list of items.
Build server:
# macOS
$ cd GroceryListService
$ swift build && swift run
Both client and server build on SwiftNIO based framework grpc-swift
GroceryListClient The client is extremly simple iOS 13 app developed in Swift using UIKit+Combine and MVVM pattern.
I just was wondering how gRPC stack works in Swift and how convinient to integrate it. Hope someone will find it useful.
First of all install protoc compliator.
$ brew install protobuf
Clone grpc-swift repo in order to achieve plugins for swift files compilation. Then build them and install.
# in grpc-swift directory
$ make plugins
$ sudo cp protoc-gen-swift protoc-gen-grpc-swift /usr/local/bin
Now we can complie .proto files
$ protoc <your proto> \
--swift_out=. \
--grpc-swift_opt=Client=true,Server=false \
--grpc-swift_out=. # output directory
Few notes:
- This option in charge of .pb.swift
files which contains structures representing protobuf message
- This option in charge of options for compilation of .grpc.swift
files which contains protocols of Client-Server communication.
- Output directory for these files
Now you may use them for build gRPC client or server in Swift. For more details see grpc-swift docs or GroceryListClient/GroceryListService source files.
Mikhail Kuzmin