- My Portfolio and website
Welcome to my site, feel free to navigate through it, and contact me if you have any suggestions, questions or if you want to recruit me. Or maybe if you just want to contact me because you need it 😉.
The website is now hosted online by Netlify, you can find it here : https://titou-galva.netlify.com/ !
A new version is currently WIP
My website is a small, simple and easy one. I use only HTML, SASS, Pure CSS and some native Javascript and for the homepage for now, but I will upgrade it so it looks really great as the days passed. I don't put some advanced frameworks as VueJS (only implemented yet) or backend like NodeJS or any database. Yeah I know, i'ts lame 😶.
My name is Titouan Galvani, I'm a french web developer, and currently a 3rd year student at Ynov Lyon. I'm currently learning, so if not everything is perfect, i'ts completely normal. My next step is to master VueJS and native Javascript, and of course HTML and CSS/SASS at the same time. I am planning on master some back-end technology such as NodeJS (with Meteor and React at the same time maybe) and Laravel for PHP.
- Personal questions
- Tech questions
- Fun questions - Coffee ☕ or tea 🍵 ? - Night 🌉 or day 🌇 ? - If you were an animal, what would you be 🐶 🐷 🐮 🐛 🐧
- Last question ... Are you all right ?
I'm currently 20 years old. 👨
I'ts been 3 years now 😬, I'm a really young developer, so I have many things to learn and master.
I follow my formation at Ynov Lyon, i'ts a developer and programming (web and application) and systems and networks oriented formation. Also, I try to learn on my own by navigating on the net and find some projects to do with new technologies 📚.
I used to code with Atom in my second year, I switched to PHP Storm for my intership at Webqam (so about 6/7 weeks). Now I'm fully using VSCode which I ❤️.
For now, I really like VueJS and what comes around (Vue UI, NuxtJS ...). But I don't have much experience with the others so I guess VueJS for now.
Really ? Big Fernand 10000%, except for the price maybe 🤔.
I don't drink either so ... water. Water is good, water is great.
I prefer to work at night, and if I could, I would not sleep at all. I feel like I'm losing my time when I'm sleeping 😴. But I need to, otherwise I will collapsed.
🐱 A cat definitely, because I love cats, and I'm a developer, so I'm lazy. Long 9 lives to 🐈 !
Of course I am 😃, you are reading this right now, which means some people saw this repo and read all the way down here ! So yes, I'm happy 😌!
Made with ❤️ by :
ImMyst / Titouan Galvani 🤘