
A health tracker app to improve overall life quality of users. Contains a COVID19 nearby location tracker, to notify users of any outbreaks. CSC309 Group project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The landing page of the app is also where users can sign up an account (regular user) and sign in access for both admin and user.

Link: https://csc309-2020-team27.herokuapp.com/

Our app consists of 5 main features for a regular user:

  1. They are able to log and see their physical, mental, and medical goals within the app. This is located in the overview page.
  2. They are able to see their progress of some of their goals in the trends page. By switching tabs of each type of tracking activity, the user will be able to see this current week’s progress.
  3. They can set up reminders for appointments or complete a certain goal on this day. And there will be alerts for these remainders while the user is on the app and it gets near the time of the remainder.
  4. They can view their appointments under a calendar view. The calendar will display the current month that it is getting used.
  5. They are able to check in to a location, where the user is planning to go, to see if there are a lot of people there. It is to notify the users that an area might be too crowded to practice social distancing.

As an admin user:

  1. Under users, the admins can create, modify, or delete users.
  2. Under the trends page, admins can view the average data of all users on their progress within this week.
  3. Under the alert sys page, admins can alert users who have recently visited a location that has had a new covid case. Also, they are able to add new locations for users to check in with, and edit information of existing locations or delete them
  4. Under the reminder page, admins can set up reminders for important tasks that they need to work on.

After cloning the github repo and before starting the app

Make sure to run npm install for all the dependencies and the correct versions.

To start the app, run npm start

Instructions for regular user:

To login as a regular user:

Username: user

Password: user

To log out, click the logout button and it will redirect you back to the landing page.

User Creation:

This is located at the on the right side of the landing page (where you first start up the app).


Enter “Bob" for first name, “Jones” for last name, “boundless” for email, “password” for password and select male(or female) for gender.

Email must be in format of "example@example.com" and password must have at least 6 characters.

Click create account, and now you can sign in with this account.

Please do not refresh the page, since these data are not stored in a database.


On the overview page, there are nine cards, each with a view that displays the corresponding data of the user.

To add new data for any nine metrics, click on the card and enter in the new data.

Each of the data entering views will have tips and tricks to help improve with the corresponding activity.

Body Mass Index:

Click on the Body Mass Index card, then input the appropriate weight and height in kilograms and meters respectively (positive numbers only).

Alternatively, you can click on the Standards tab to input the value as pounds and inches respectively.

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.

Water Consumption:

Click on the water consumption card, then input the amount of water in ml (positive numbers only).

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.


Click on the calories card, then input the amount of calories (positive numbers only).

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.


Click on the mood card, then select one of the moods using the radio button below them.

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view. Try out all the different moods!


Click on the sleep card, then input the hour of sleeps (positive numbers only).

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.


Click on the stress card, then use the slider to input the desired stress level.

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.

Try out all the different input values!


Click on the medication card, it will bring you to the reminders page. From there, click add reminder on the bottom right.

From there, select the medical health category and medications subcategory. Then input the title for the event or the name of the medication in the Titles section.

Input the desired date and time for the medication reminder to occur.

Afterwards, the user can input the dosage and side-effects and other relevant information in the notes section.


Click on the sickness card, from the dropdown list, select a symptom, then click on the + button next to it.

You can add multiple different symptoms by selecting another symptom from the dropdown list and click on the + button to add it to the list.

To remove a symptom, click on the X button next to the symptom to remove it from the list.

After inputting the data, click on save and the X button at the top right to return to the Overview view.

Try out all the different symptoms and different combinations!


Click on the appointments card, it will bring you to the reminders page. From there, click add reminder on the bottom right.

From there, select the medical health category (or any other ones) and Appointments subcategory.

Then input the title for the event or the name of the doctor in the Titles section.

Input the desired date and time for the appointment.

Afterwards, the user can input the location and other relevant information in the notes section.


To access the trends page, use the side bar and select Trends.(Very similar to user trends page)

Click the Weight tab at the top of the page, it will render a line graph displaying the current week of the user's weight. When you input your weight in the BMI card in the overview page, the data of the corresponding day will be updated (i.e. if today is Monday, the Monday data will be updated).

Click the Sleep tab at the top of the page, it will render a bar graph displaying the current week of the user’s hours of sleep. When you input your sleep hours in the Sleep card in the overview page, the data of the corresponding day will be updated (i.e. if today is Monday, the Monday data will be updated).

Click the Stress tab at the top of the page, it will render a bar graph displaying the current week of the user’s stress level. When you input your stress level in the Stress card in the overview page, the data of the corresponding day will be updated (i.e. if today is Monday, the Monday data will be updated).

Click the Calories tab at the top of the page, it will render a line graph displaying the current week of the user’s calories count. When you input your calories in the Calories card in the overview page, the data of the corresponding day will be updated (i.e. if today is Monday, the Monday data will be updated).


To access the calendar page, use the side bar and select Calendar.

Click the Calendar tab at the top of the page to see all the appointments that the user has within this month.

Click the Streak tab at the top of the page to see all the streaks of their goals (physical, mental, medical) that the user has within this month.



Adding a reminder img

  1. To add a reminder for specific health related tracking activity, the user can go to the reminders page, using the side navigation bar, and click the pink ‘add reminder button’ at the bottom right connor.
  2. Users can select any categories, and its subcategories (when it appears), add a title, but for the “When to remind” section, please enter a valid date with the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:(AM/PM). Example: 2021-06-08:15:35:AM. You can optionally add a note that’s less than 225 characters
  3. Pleaase create more than one reminder with a small note of less than 20 chars
  4. Click the add button on the bottom left
    • Once the remainder is added, the new remainder will show up on the remainders page. If it is an appointment, it will also show up on the calendar page if it is within this current month.

Note: While the reminder is active or yet to be triggered this status of the reminder will be indcate by the hour glass icon img on the left of the reminder item

Edit Reminder img

  1. You can also edit a reminder by clicking the edit icon imgand the infromation of that reminder will be populated into a edit reminder form similar to when adding a reminder.
    • For example set the reminder times of the reminders you made to 2-5 mins from your current time

Reminder Alerts img

  1. After editting your reminder time to be within 2-5 mins of the current time. If you move to anohter view, logout and log back in or stay on the same view you will see a notification banner at the top of the view along with a notification badge on the reminder button on the side menu bar with the number of notifications recived.
  2. You can dismiss the notification but clicking the img on the right of the notification banner. This will remove the banner and the badge

Complete reminder img

  1. Once a reminder has been triggered and a notification is sent, the status of the reminder will be changed to "overdue" and this is indication by the change of the status icon to an img

  2. Then after you have compeleted the reminder you can change the status to complete by clicking the img on the right side of the reminder item

    • This will change the reminder icon status to complete indicated by img

Delete Reminder img

  1. If you no longer need the reminder you can remove the reminder(s) you created by clicking the delete (trash can img icon on the right of a reminder item.

Check In View


As a regular user you can volenterly check-in to be notified if a place you have recently visited has had a coved case.

View Place img

  1. you can enter a select a place by typing a name to search of it within the dropdown list or selecting a place from the dropdown list.

  2. Once you can selected a place clicke the view place buttonimg

  3. Then details about the place will be shown

    img- the Occupancy Limit is the max number of people allowed in the selected location

    • the Current Occupancy is the current number of people at the selected location
    • When the current occupancy is less than the limit a green status will be indicated by imgand the check-in button will appearimg
    • When the curren occupancy is is greater or equal too the limit a bad status will be indicated byimg and there will be no check in button
    • A call will be made to a map API to display the location on a map so the user can know how to get to the selected location

Check In Button


  1. Click the check-in button img and the user will 'checked into' the selected place

    • this will be indicated by the top status barimg

    • Users are only allowed to be checked into one place at a time, Hwoever users can still view other places

Check Out


  1. When the users is checked in click the checkout button imgto remove the user's check-in status from the current location
    • the message will change to "you are currently not check in anywhere"
    • You will regain the ability to check into other places

Note: Please make sure you, the user, is check-in to one location to see how the COVID alert system works before moving on to the admin instructions

Instructions for admin:

To login as an admin:

Username: admin

Password: admin

To log out, click the logout button and it will redirect you back to the landing page.


Click on Users tab on the side bar upon login, and to see all the users.

Click on the view profile button to see the details of the user, and click the back button to exit the viewing page.

Note: doing either of this will remove this user from the UI, require refreshing the page and a relog to do the other feature

Click on the assign admin button to make this user an admin.

Click on the remove button to remove the user.


To access the trends page, use the side bar and select Trends.(Very similar to user trends page)

(These data are all hard coded and will require database call)

Click the Weight tab at the top of the page, it will render a line graph displaying the current week of the average weight of all users.

Click the Sleep tab at the top of the page, it will render a bar graph displaying the current week of the average hours of sleep for all users.

Click the Stress tab at the top of the page, it will render a bar graph displaying the current week of the average stress level for all users.

Click the Calories tab at the top of the page, it will render a line graph displaying the current week of the average calorie intake for all users.


Works exactly the same as a regular user’s reminder but only when adding and editing a reminder, the category options will change.

Create a new reminder, click on add reminder button on the button right, then select Tasks for categories, Marking for Phase 1 as the title, and select a date, 2020-08-25:10:00:PM.

Enter Hope all the projects are nice for notes (could leave it blank if you wish).

Editing an existing reminder will be the same as creating a new one. But you click on the edit icon on the reminder you would like to edit.

Check in/ Alert Sys:

COVID Cases - Geo Locator

A call will be made to google maps API and to a backend database of covid cases which will grab thee cases and populate the map in this section

This will provide the admin with the locations around the area where there are covid cases.

Add Location

Same as regular users check in pages when trying to check in.

Click on the add location button, to add a location for users to check-in on.


Please enter these:

Location name: UTSG,

Address: 27 King's College Cir, Toronto,

Image URL: https://thevarsity.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/KCC-Victoria-Dawson.jpg,

Max Occupancy: 500

Description: Campus (could leave it blank).

Click the Add button to finish, and this new location will display on the selection menu for check in.

Edit Location

img In Alert System view select queens park and click view plac then

Click on the edit location icon img to change the informaiton about the selected location

For example change Max Occupancy to 1000

To save the changes made click edit button on the bottom left conner

You will be taken back to the alert system view where you can search for queens park and varify the Max Occupancy has changed

Delete Location

Select UTSG location from the dropdown list and then click view place

Then to delete this location click the delete icon img

The location will be deleted for both admin and users in the alery sys and checkin views, respectively

Sending a COVID Case Alert

To send a COVID case alert, go to the Alert Sys tab on the side bar and under the section menu, select Queen’s Park as the location.

Click view place button, and at the button left, click on the Send Alert button and a pop up message will display at the bottom where it says “Alert has been sent!”.


Now log on to a user account, and it will display the alert that the admin has just create for Queen’s park. Letting all users know that there is a new COVID case at Queen's Park.



All of the routes on our express server will require a cookie. In order to the get the session, you must use the post request ("domain/auth/login") before doing anything. The session will contain the user email. The domain of our app is "https://"

Example of user object: user = { firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, hash: email + password, sex: sex, email: email, type: Constants.ACCOUNT_TYPES.user, timers: [], checkedInLocation: '', checkInHistory: [], notification: [], reminders: reminders, trends: [], user_card: user card object here, }

Example of user card object: user_card = { BMI: { value: 0, height: 0, weight: 0, unit: 'metric', streak: false, }, Water: { completed: 0, remaining: 2000, unit: 'ml', streak: false, }, Calories: { completed: 0, remaining: 2000, unit: 'calories', streak: false, }, Mood: { value: 'happy', streak: false, }, Sleep: { hours: 0, quality: 'Good', streak: false, }, Stress: { value: 1, streak: false, }, Sickness: [], }


  • Post request ("domain/auth/login") with the user's email and password in the body. Sends the current user object and a list of locations. Example: body: { email :"user@user.com", password: "useruser" }

Output: { activeUser: user object, locations: [list of locations] }

  • Get request ("domain/auth/logout), destroyed the current session when log out. Output: nothing
  • Get request ("domain/auth/session"), looks for the current session user and sends the user object. Output: { activeUser: user object }

Sign up

  • Post request ("domain/account/signup"), takes in the user data and creates the user, sends back the created user object and a list of locations. Example: body: { email: "user@user.com", firstName: "Test", lastName: "Test", password: "testing", sex: "male" }

output: { activeUser: user object locations: [array of locations] }

Check In

  • patch request ("domain/checkinsys/checkin/:l_id", "domain/checkinsys/checkin/checkout/:l_id") requires the location object id, updates the location occupancy by 1 (add or subtract), return the new location object and the new user.

Example: "domain/checkinsys/checkin/:l_id" output: { user: user object location: location that user checked in }

Example: "domain/checkinsys/checkout/:l_id" output: { user: user object location: location that user checked out }


  • Get request ("domain/locations/all") to get all the locations stored in the db, sends back the set of location objects. output: {[ { location object } { location object } ... ]}

  • Post request ("domain/locations/add") to add a new location into the db, need to have name, isAvaliable,address,country,imageUrl,maxOccupancy,currOccupancy, description in the body, returns the new location object.

Example: body: { name: "CN Tower", isAvailable: True, address: "Toronto", country: "Canada", imageUrl: "http://example.com/image", maxOccupancy: 7, currOccupancy: 2, description: "Example location" }

output: { newLoc: { name: "CN Tower", isAvailable: True, address: "Toronto", country: "Canada", imageUrl: "http://example.com/image", maxOccupancy: 7, currOccupancy: 2, description: "Example location" } }

  • delete request ("domain/locations/delete/:l_id") requires the location object id, removes it from the db and send the update set of locations.

Example: "domain/locations/delete/:l_id" output: { deletedLocation: { name: "CN Tower", isAvailable: True, address: "Toronto", country: "Canada", imageUrl: "http://example.com/image", maxOccupancy: 7, currOccupancy: 2, description: "Example location" } }

  • put request ("domain/locations/update/:l_id/") requires the location object id, updates the status of the location, return the new location object

Example: "domain/locations/update/:l_id" - updating the CN Tower location body: { name: "Not CN Tower", isAvailable: True, address: "Toronto", country: "Canada", imageUrl: "http://example.com/NotRealImage", maxOccupancy: 7, currOccupancy: 2, description: "Example location" }

output: { updatedLocation: { name: "Not CN Tower", isAvailable: True, address: "Toronto", country: "Canada", imageUrl: "http://example.com/NotRealImage", maxOccupancy: 7, currOccupancy: 2, description: "Example location" } }


  • post request ("domain/logCardData/reset"), pushes the user's card data into trends and updates user's card data to the request body. Returns the updated user object. Example: body: { BMI: { value: 0, height: 0, weight: 0, unit: 'metric', streak: false, }, Water: { completed: 0, remaining: 2000, unit: 'ml', streak: false, }, Calories: { completed: 0, remaining: 2000, unit: 'calories', streak: false, }, Mood: { value: 'happy', streak: false, }, Sleep: { hours: 0, quality: 'Good', streak: false, }, Stress: { value: 1, streak: false, }, Sickness: [], }

output: { user object }

  • post request on logging data ("domain/logCardData/logBMI", "domain/logCardData/logWater","domain/logCardData/logSickness","domain/logCardData/logStress","domain/logCardData/logSleep","domain/logCardData/logMood","domain/logCardData/logCalories") will require the body to have the required values. Returns the updated user object.

Example: "domain/logCardData/logBMI" body: { value: 100, weight: 200, height: 1.8, unit: "metric", streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logWater" body: { completed: 2000, remaining: 0, unit: "ml", streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logCalories" body: { completed: 2000, remaining: 0, unit: "calories", streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logMood" body: { value: "happy", streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logSleep" body: { hours: 7, quality: "Good", streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logStress" body: { value: 7, streak: True, date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" }

output: { user object }

Example: "domain/logCardData/logSickness" body: { sickness: [ 'Fever or chills', 'Cough' ] }

output: { user object }


  • Post request ("domain/reminder/add"), takes in all the inputs on the add remainders page and the current user and creates a new remainder under the user, sends back the new user object. Example: body: { id: 'r01', category: 'Medical Health', subCategory: 'Appointments', name: 'Annual Check Up', time: '2020-07-27', note: 'Call Dr.Jones 1hr before', status: 'active', }

output: { user: user object }

  • Delete request ("domain/reminder/:cat/:r_id"), takes remainder ID from current user and removes it,then sends back the new user object. Example: "domain/reminder/"Medical Health"/r01" output: { user: user object }

  • Patch request ("domain/reminder/update/:cat/:r_id/") takes in the category and the remainder id, remove it from user then send back the user new object
    Example: "domain/reminder/update/"Medical Health"/r01/" body: { id: 'r01', category: 'Medical Health', subCategory: 'Appointments', name: 'New Annual Check Up', time: '2020-10-27', note: 'New Call Dr.Jones 1hr before', status: 'active', }

output: { user: user object }


  • get request for the four datas ("domain/trends/weight","domain/trends/calories","domain/trends/sleep","domain/trends/stress"), requires the current session user and sends back a list of objects that has a date and a value. Example:"domain/trends/weight" output: [ { date: "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z" , value: 80 }, { date: "2020-08-21T14:15:00.000Z" value: 87 }, ]

  • post request to get all user data ("domain/trends/getAll"), sends back an object containing 4 lists of values with the types as their keys. Example: output: { weight: [70, 71], stress: [5, 6], sleep: [7, 8 ], calories: [2000, 1500], }


  • post request for the five datas ("domain/streaks/weight","domain/streaks/calories","domain/streaks/sleep","domain/streaks/stress", "domain/streaks/mood"), requires the current session user and the month, sends back a list of dates where that type is completed. Example: "domain/streaks/weight" (same input and output for rest of the streaks routes) body: { month: 7 }

output: { [ "2020-08-20T14:15:00.000Z", "2020-08-21T14:15:00.000Z", ] }

Manage User

  • post request ("domain/manageUser/assignAdmin") to assign an user admin, requires the user's email and returns the updated user. Example: body: { email: "user" }

output: { user object }

  • post request ("domain/manageUser/deleteuser") to remove a user, requires the user's email and returns "deleted". Example: body: { email: "user" }

output: "deleted"

  • get request ("domain/manageUser/getUsers") gets all the users and send it back Example: output: {[ { user objects }, { user objects } ]}

  • post request ("domain/manageUser/setUserInfo"), takes in user info, like email, first name, last name, sex, password and updates if the user object if there is any changes, sends back the updated user object. Example: body: { prevEmail: "user", email: "newUser", password: "password", firstName: "user", lastName: "user", sex: "male" }

output: { email: "newUser", password: "password" }


  • patch request ("domain/notifs/alert-by-loc-history") to add a new notification related to an area to users checked in to that area Example: body: { location: "CN Tower", type: "Alert", title: "Test", message: "Test test" }

output: { count: 2 }

  • patch request ("domain/notifs/add") to add a new notification to a user Example: body: { type: "Reminder", title: "Test", message: "Test test" }

output: { user object }

  • patch request ("domain/notifs/remove") to remove a notification from a user based on the id in the body, and it would then send the user object back body: { _id: notification id }

output: { user object }

Note: this part onwards is meant for our group

Getting Started

First Time Setup

  • Download node.js and npm here (node.js and npm come together in this download)
    • Mac node/npm download guide here
    • We're using node version 12.18.0
  • Clone git repo cd ~/Desktop; git clone https://github.com/csc309-summer-2020/team27.git
  • To install web app dependences run: npm install (make sure you're in the repo dir when you run this cmd)


  • Installing yarn run: curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash
    • Other ways for installing yarn here
  • For a guide on using npm click here

Start Web App

  • Go to the server dir: cd ./server (make sure you're in the repo dir when you run this cmd)
  • Make sure you've installed all app dependencies with npm install
  • To start the database run: npm run db
    • I you're using Windows 10 then open powershell and run: mkdir ../mongo-data; mongod --dbpath ../mongo-data
  • To start web app in browser run: npm start (then open browser and go to http://localhost:5000/)