
TODO app using Flask, flask-sqlalchemy, htmx, tailwindcss

Primary LanguageHTML

alt text

  1. create virtual environment'
  2. activate virtual environment
  3. go to root directory - flask_todo.
  4. run pip install -m requirements.txt to install packages from that txt file.
  1. install sqlite or sqlite viewer extension in vscode to see the db tables
  2. delete and re create db if you want. 2.1. run python command in terminal inside root directory - (flask_todo) not the project directory (flask_todo) and enter below lines
    from flask_todo import app, db
    app.app_context().push() #this will create emtpy instance folder in root
    db.create_all() #this will add site.db file inside instance folder
    if you want to delete all the tables from db, enter below command.

inside root directory, run python run.py to start the server

project structure

  • flask_todo > - root directory
    • flask_todo > - project directory
      • templates >
        • base.html
        • home.html
        • todos.html
        • create.html
        • update.html
      • init.py
      • forms.py
      • models.py
      • routes.py
    • instance >
      • site.db
    • run.py