
Programming Problems for People

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Practice Problems

Folder Structure

  • src

    • All of your code will go in here.
  • test

    • Existing tests for all algorithms are here.

Before Starting

  1. run 'npm install' from the root level.
  2. Write code
  3. Run Tests
  4. Run eslint


  • Included, do not modify any rules

How to Test

Run all tests

  • ./node_modules/mocha/bin/\_mocha test/
  • Or you can use the command from package.json
    • npm run test

Run tests from a single file

  • ./node_modules/mocha/bin/\_mocha test/foo-spec

Using mocha .only / .skip

  • Every 'it' and 'describe' block can be post-fixed with a .only or a .skip flag.
  • If you use a .only flag then only that test or test block will be executed.
  • If you use a .skip flag then all tests except for the ones marked as skipped will executed.
  it.only("Should only run this stuff", function () {})
  it.skip("Should not run this test", function () {})