
Tools for building mobile applications in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What's this?

  • This Repository provide tools to bind rust interface with other language and export library artifact directly.
  • It generate bindings from a Rust package and packaged to android aar or iOS lib. You don't need to write jni or other ffi code with this tool.

Step by step.

  1. Setup rust environment.
  2. Install 'rsbind'. cargo install --git https://github.com/sidneywang/rsbind.git --force -- rsbind
  3. Create a Rust library, which contains two directory, contract and imp. You can put your interface to contract module and implemation to imp module. Expose these two modules in lib.rs.
// such as your code in contract dir as below:
pub trait YourContract {
    fn test_simple(arg1: i32, arg2: String) -> String;
    fn test_callback(arg: Box<Callback>);
    fn test_struct() -> StructSimple;

pub trait Callback {
    fn on_callback(arg1: i64, arg2: String);

pub struct StructSimple {
    pub arg3: String,
    pub arg4: bool,
// Your implementation is as below
pub struct YourImplemetation {}

impl YourContract for YourImplemetation {
    fn test_simple(arg1: i32, arg2: String) -> String {
        format!("Your test_simple result is {}_{}", arg1, arg2)

    fn test_callback(arg: Box<Callback>) {
        arg.on_callback(123i64, "hello callback".to_owned());

    fn test_struct() -> StructSimple {
        StructSimple {
            arg1: "struct".to_owned(),
            arg2: true
  1. Run rsbind command as below. Then the generated code will be in _gen directory and aar/framework will be in target directory.

Rsbind usage:

rsbind path-of-project android/ios/all ast/bridge/artifact/header/build/all
  • ast: generate simplified ast files with json format to _gen/ast.
  • bridge: generate c methods to expose our interface to _gen/[ios/android]_bridge.
  • artifact: generate java/swift wrapper and c header, and then put then into a project(_gen/[ios/android]_artifact).
  • build: build bridge modules and copy output to artifact project and then build artifact project.
  • all: run all the steps for binding.
  1. It will generate java files packaged in aar or cocoapods lib, then you can integrated them to your android/iOS project and call the functions. For android, you can call like as below:
YourContract.test_callback(new Callback(){
       void on_callback(long arg1, String arg2) {
           // do your things.

Swift is very similar.


You can create a file named Rsbind.toml to add some configuration.

rustc_param = ""
arch = ["armv7-linux-androideabi"]
arch_64 = ["aarch64-linux-android"]
arch_x86 = ["i686-linux-android"]
release = true
namespace = "com.afoxer.xxx.ffi"
so_name = "demo"
ext_lib = []
features_def = ["xxxx=[]"]

rustc_param = ""
arch_phone = ["armv7-apple-ios"]
arch_simu = ["i386-apple-ios", "x86_64-apple-ios"]
release = true
features_def = []

Supported Types

  • Parameters: Basic types, Callback, Vec
  • Return: Basic types, Struct, Vec

supported types in Callback:

  • Parameters: Basic types, Vec, Struct
  • Return: Basic types.

TODO: add callback support for return types.

It is different to define a callback and a normal trait. It should contains &self in every callback but not in normal trait.


pub trait Callback : Sync {
    fn on_callback(&self, arg1: i32, arg2: String, arg3: bool, arg4: f32, arg5: f64) -> i32;
    fn on_callback2(&self, arg1: bool) -> bool;
    fn on_callback_complex(&self, arg1: StructSimple) -> bool;
    fn on_callback_arg_vec(&self, arg1: Vec<StructSimple>) -> bool;
    fn on_callback_arg_vec_simple(&self, arg1: Vec<String>) -> bool;

Normal trait:

pub trait TestContract1 {
    fn test_arg_vec(arg: Vec<String>) -> i32;
    fn test_return_vec(arg: u8) -> Vec<i32>;
    fn test_arg_callback(arg: Box<Callback>) -> u8;
    fn test_bool(arg1: bool) -> bool;
    fn test_struct() -> StructSimple;
    fn test_struct_vec() -> Vec<StructSimple>;