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Bagel is a deliciously re-stylized version of OCaml, infused with the familiar syntax flavors of C++ and Rust. This language is designed to bring the best of these worlds together, allowing you to write expressive and efficient code with a fresh syntax. The Bagel language is compiled to OCaml.
This extension provides comprehensive support for the Bagel programming language in Visual Studio Code, offering syntax highlighting and in the future snippets, code folding to enhance your development experience.
- Syntax Highlighting: Full syntax highlighting support for Bagel's unique syntax.
In the future:
- Snippets: Handy code snippets to speed up your development.
- Code Folding: Easily fold and unfold code blocks.
- Clone or download the repository
- Copy the project folder to the vscode extensions directory
- Reload VS Code to activate the extension.
git clone https://github.com/ImSumire/BagelHighlighting && cp -r BagelHighlighting/ ~/.vscode/extensions/
1. Install Visual Studio Code from here.
2. Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or by pressing
.3. Search for "Bagel Language Support".
4. Click Install to install the extension.
5. Reload VS Code to activate the extension.
Once installed, open any Bagel file in Visual Studio Code to automatically enable the Bagel language support.
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- .🥯
To learn how to code in Bagel, please refer to the official Bagel documentation (no released), the repository and the official Ocaml website.