Service Engineer II and Microsoft Software and Systems Academy - Cloud Application Development Graduate.
Pinned Repositories
C# Code that returns the angle between the hour and minute hand of a clock with test cases.
Brute Force Password program that checks each character individually, times how long it takes to break the password as well as how many tries.
Shift Encryption program in C# that asks the user to inout a word to be encrypted and how many places he/she would like to shift using a Caesar style encryption method, then returns the original word as well as the encrypted form.
Database project that allows a school to administer student roster and grades using SQL Server, ASP .Net Framework Web, and C# code
This code allows you to draw a blue square on a canvas with a left click or a pink circle with a right click. Utilizes Abstraction, Inheritance, and Virtual classes.
Simple C# code example for interface on a media player control.
C# Razor HTML Visual Studio Party Invite program that creates an invite and allows people to click on a link and RSVP
Class Driven Space Adventure Game
ASP .Net Core MVC project creating a sports store using razor pages practicing different views, setting up controllers, creating a fake repository and using database injection as a test base and swapping it out with a real repository
My MSSA class project using ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio, and SQL Server to revamp the way we vote. I can not change the National Election but this can be used for College, High School, and Business elections and necessity is the mother of invention, maybe it will one day influence change at a higher level.
ImaLuckyMan's Repositories
Database project that allows a school to administer student roster and grades using SQL Server, ASP .Net Framework Web, and C# code
C# Code that returns the angle between the hour and minute hand of a clock with test cases.
Brute Force Password program that checks each character individually, times how long it takes to break the password as well as how many tries.
Shift Encryption program in C# that asks the user to inout a word to be encrypted and how many places he/she would like to shift using a Caesar style encryption method, then returns the original word as well as the encrypted form.
C# program that counts how many Capital letters are in a given string.
This code allows you to draw a blue square on a canvas with a left click or a pink circle with a right click. Utilizes Abstraction, Inheritance, and Virtual classes.
Simple C# code example for interface on a media player control.
C# Razor HTML Visual Studio Party Invite program that creates an invite and allows people to click on a link and RSVP
ASP .Net Core MVC project creating a sports store using razor pages practicing different views, setting up controllers, creating a fake repository and using database injection as a test base and swapping it out with a real repository
My MSSA class project using ASP.NET, C#, Visual Studio, and SQL Server to revamp the way we vote. I can not change the National Election but this can be used for College, High School, and Business elections and necessity is the mother of invention, maybe it will one day influence change at a higher level.
C# code project that counts how many variables are in a given string.
Removes Commas and Quotes from CSV input
RPG Voice enabled DnD Adventure, this program is designed to work like a DM that will allow you to create a character and lead you through a story line adventure leveling your charactor 1-5 and will be added upon to continue to increase your character level.
MSSA exercise that allows the user to input a message, then choose a single or multi-character key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the message using a Cesar cipher via the alphabet.
Project for MSSA SD7 Cohort
Plots a graph image using Parallel Loop with Cancelation
Guess my number game in C# that goes through a series of games where first you pick a number and the computer uses algorithms to respond with your number. Then the computer picks a random number and you guess it, and finally you pick a number and the computer guesses it.
A mathematics flash card simulator. You will have four “sets” of flash cards, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. To initialize a session, you will ask the users to select the type of problem they want to practice and the number of problems. You will echo the problem type and the number of problems to the user. When the user begins the test, the application will present the specified number of problems of the specified type. The problems will generate random integers between 1 and 12, or whatever range you choose. The application will keep score, and if the user misses a problem the application will display the correct answer to the problem. At the conclusion of the session the application will report the number of correctly answered question and the score.
C# Error Troubleshooting Practice
C# practice in Visual Studio working with parameter list arrays vs Optional parameter arrays.
Application example that takes a username and password and uses a salt to hash and store the hash then compare hashes in order to authenticate.
Sample Java application referred to by Azure Pipelines documentation
C# code for Inheritance practice creating soldiers and sending them on missions.
ASP .Net Core Razor Page Web App using SQL and database, dependency Injection, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) HTML and C# CSS Style Sheets and JSON JavaScript files created in Visual Studio
C# Project to create a Roulette Game. I went a little above and beyond by creating a WPF form as a GUI and am currently working on connecting my text based code to the GUI interface.
ASP.Net Core MVC application that creates a complete working storefront for purchasing sandwiches
Takes a word and returns the normal value without doubles or bonuses just the basic word value
C# code that takes a large string and breaks it up into a set by a predetermined number of characters. Ensures the result does not break in the middle of a word followed by ... to show the string continues. Method then placed in Public StringUtility Class in order to utilize in other programs.
C# practice program that counts the number of words in a sentence. A similar program might be like counting the words on a term paper.