To complete this challenge, you will need to write a simple React based web app, and provide us the source files to be built.
The purpose of this challenge is to assess your skills and approach to composing a simple web app given a set of instructions.
This challenge is expected to take about 2-3 hours.
It's very simple. You'll need to build a set of React components to render the app. You'll also need to request a JSON feed, filter that data, and use the relevant fields.
Although this is a basic exercise, we'll be looking for simple, well-designed, performant, and tested code in the submission.
Also, add the following info to your README
- How did you decide on the technical and architectural choices used as part of your solution?
- Are there any improvements you could make to your submission?
- What would you do differently if you were allocated more time?
You will need to build the following 3 pages with React:
- A "Home" page
- B "View pokemon" page
- C "Types" page
Please create components for each part of the page (eg. header, content, footer, etc).
The pages should also be usable on mobile and tablet devices.
This will be your index
You will need to display a paginated list of pokemons, each pokemon is clickable which takes to view pokemon page.
- Page size: 20
- Adding some filters is a plus (ex: by type).
- Loading, error and empty states.
Display the selected Pokemon details (name, picture, type...)
- Display possible pokemon evolutions (clickable).
- Clicking on type should take to the "Types" page.
- Loading, error and empty states.
Display a list of pokemons belonging to the selected type
- Clickable pokemons to "view pokemon" page.
- Page size: 20.
- Loading, error and empty states.
You may use whatever you like as long as the solution is built using React. We prefer it if you did not use any third party CSS frameworks.
You can use ViteJS.
We also prefer the use of minimal dependencies.
Please send any other code or projects that you're proud of and would like to share with us.
Any feedback on the coding challenge once you're done is also appreciated!