
Minimal microservice based application made for AZRS course on MATF

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Minimal microservice based application made for AZRS course on MATF


Main purpose of this project is to demonstrate microservice architecture.

Architecture overview

App is simulating a simple ordering system.

User inputs email and chooses items from the drop down menu and after ordering item number is being updated in the appropriate database and timestamp of purchase is being saved to the appropirate table.

One backend service is handling user related data, other is handling item related data.

There are 2 separate databases.

Service which handles users also uses external API to get the exact time.


Running individual services


Easiest way to run both databases is via docker compose using the following command:

docker-compose up item_db user_db

Frontend service

If you want to run it without container do the following:

cd frontend-service
npm install
npm run start

if you want to run just FE service in a container run:

docker-compose up frontend_service

Node service

If you want to run it without container do the following:

cd node-service
npm install
npm run dev

if you want to run just node service in a container run:

docker-compose up node_service

Python service

If you want to run it without container do the following:

cd python-service
pipenv shell
pipenv install
python main.py

if you want to run just python service in a container run:

docker-compose up python_service

Running all services via docker-compose

To start all services together just run:

docker-compose up

Things to improve

  • Better env variables
  • Better error handling on FE
  • Better error handling on backend services
  • Better db abstractions
  • Not all edge cases covered
  • Multistage builds missing