Supports inline mathematical formulas.
The original theme did not support inline mathematical mode, so I went to the Mathjax.js official website to review the document and modify the Mathjax.js file.
At the same time, remove complex website statistics and simplify them before moving them to the bottom of the webpage.
The hugo version is
hugo_extended_011.3_windows-amd64. zip
install hugo
hugo server
change the config file
baseURL = "https://<your-github-name>.github.io/"
git pull to github
cd public git init ## init repo git remote add origin https://github.com/<your-github-name>/<your-github-name>.github.io.git ## connect remote repo git add . git commit -m "first commit" git push -u origin master
update your article
cd public git add . git status git commit -m "<Information for each blog>" git push
new blog
hugo new post/<filename>/index.md # easy to insert image wiht Typora # or hugo new post/<filename>.md