About the Hephaestus Libraries

The Hephaestus libraries are a collection of datastructures which serve to explore and cover common paradigms not covered in the Java standard library.
It is a goal not to duplicate code which already exists in common libraries (such as Apache Commons) but sometimes, intersection is unavoidable.

Originally starting out as a personal dump for recurring classes I re-organized my work into different repositories, resulting in the Hephaestus libraries.
While I'd appreciate contributions, this is very much a personal project where I explore new paradigms and perform experiments to come up with new ways to enable a rich and high-quality Java environment.

I want this to be a place of learning and sometimes write a summary of my experiences when creating new features or write about the things I learned (the hard way).

However, only intend to put proven and well documented/tested code into an actual releases.


This library datastructures for common programmer paradigms which improve code readability and are easy to use. This library aims to be a high-quality, well-documented and well tested library.

The provided classes strive to be self-contained and have only few dependencies.


1.1 10th August 2019

  • Migrated to Java 11