
A java program that allows users to practice reading finger spelling

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

ASL Finger Spelling Practice

A java program that allows users to practice reading finger spelling. Points are added for every successful entry and points are subtracted for every unsuccessful entry inside the textbox

In Action

The user must start the program by clicking on "New Word", clicking "New Word" at anytime will not deduct any points

A user can replay a word at no given cost, all points remain

When a user decides to give up one point is subtracted and the word is displayed

When the user does enter the right word then one point is added to the score

Behind the Code

This program reads many different words from text file "words.txt" inserting them into a string array.

In this block of code a word is chosen at random and is broken down into separate characters, the image is called by the letter number in order to display the image

    for (int i = 0; i < words[randInt].length(); i++){
    //letter is a number from 0-25 corresponding to the position in the alphabet
    //97 is the beginning of alphabet in ASCII
    int letter = words[randInt].charAt(i) - 97;
    if (time == i) //Displays one image every second
        g.drawImage(alphabet.get(letter), 300, 100, 500, 500, null);

This block of code below adds every image from the resource folder into an image ArrayList. By having the name of each png file a letter it makes it easy to add each image into the ArrayList in order, instead of doing "alphabet.add(ImageIO.read(new File("res/a.png")));" for each letter of the alphabet

    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
	      char letter = (char) (97 + i);
	      String fileName = letter + ".png";
	      alphabet.add(ImageIO.read(new File("res/" + fileName)));