
pip install from the source tree does not work

Closed this issue · 3 comments

!git clone
!cd idc-index && git checkout 0.2.6
!python -m pip install -e ./idc-index

from idc_index import index

client = index.IDCClient()

This results in the import error


I would think it should work?

Demo notebook (I deleted and reconnected to VM between the two experiments):

!git clone
!cd idc-index && git checkout 0.2.6

pip install .

get out of the idc-index directory to force importing from python paths rather than local directory..
and then importing and initializing clients worked for me.


jcfr commented

This can be closed. Following the integration of #32, the following test is successful:

$ mkvirtualenv -p python3.9  test-install-from-source
$ git clone /tmp/idc-index
$ pip install idc-index
$ python -c "from idc_index import index; client = index.IDCClient()"

Index file not found. Downloading latest version of the index file. This will take a minute or so.
Index file downloaded.
   s5cmd - Blazing fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool

   s5cmd [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   ls              list buckets and objects
   cp              copy objects
   rm              remove objects

Note that in the example above, the -e is not specified. This is on purpose as creating a editable install would work to disable build isolation as described at

Last, in the context of notebook and tutorials, I now recommend to simply install the wheel.

jcfr commented

While running the test described above in #15 (comment), I also noticed that the output of s5cmd --help was always displayed.

This is now fixed in: