
Virtual Youtuber (VTuber) API: The data collection of 700+ Virtual TouTuber channels

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Virtual YouTuber REST API

This was created during my time as a student at Code Chrysalis.

Virtual YouTuber (VTuber) API is the data collection of 700+ Virtual YouTuber channels. The raw data was gotten from YouTube Data API v3 and then extracted the basic data for only Virtual TouTubers.



Setup environment

1. PostgreSQL Database

You will need postgres installed. If you haven't installed it already, download and install the PostgresApp and verify its working by running the command psql in your terminal.

Create a database for this project by running:

echo "CREATE DATABASE vtuber_api TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'UTF-8' LC_COLLATE 'ja_JP.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE 'ja_JP.UTF-8';" | psql


cd Server
yarn run migrate


cd Server
yarn run seed

2. Starting REST API server

cd Server
yarn dev

3. Starting Front-end server

cd Client/react-client
yarn start

How to use API

1. Get the list of all Virtual YouTuber channels

Method URI
GET /api/channels


    "id": 1099,
    "channel_title_jp": "フブキCh。白上フブキ",
    "channel_title_en": "Shirakami Fubuki",
    "channel_id": "UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg",
    "channel_url": "https://youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg",
    "view_count": 18967436,
    "subscriber_count": 227000,
    "video_count": 429

2. Post a new Virtual YouTuber channel to API

Method URI
POST /api/channels/:channelId


  "channel_title_jp": "TEST YouTuber",
  "channel_title_en": "TEST YouTuber (English)",
  "thumbnail": "https://XYZ.com/xxxyyyzzz.png"

3. Modify a given Virtual YouTuber channel

Method URI
PATCH /api/channels/:channelId


  "channel_title_jp": "MOD YouTuber",
  "channel_title_en": "MOD YouTuber (English)",
  "channel_id": "MOD_XYZ",
  "thumbnail": "https://MOD.com/xxxyyyzzz.png"

4. Delete a given Virtual YouTuber channel from API

Method URI
DELETE /api/channels/:channelId

DEMO: Front-end App

1. Get the list of all Virtual YouTuber channels


2. Post a new Virtual YouTuber channel to API



Copyright (c) 2019- Naoto Imamachi licensed under the MIT license.