
Docker image for Binance full and light nodes

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Test status Docker Pulls MIT license

Binance full node docs
Binance full node repo

Docker image for Binance Full Node


  • Spin up full Binance node with single command.
  • Small image about 100MB, compared to bigger than 6 GB official repository.
  • Easy updates

Don't know what all this is about? Read newbie guide.

Run interactively

docker run --rm -it --ulimit nofile=16000:16000 varnav/binance-node

Run as daemon

ufw allow 27146/tcp
docker run -d --name binance-node -p 27146:27146 -p 27147:27147 -p 26660:26660 --restart unless-stopped --security-opt no-new-privileges --ulimit nofile=16000:16000 varnav/binance-node

Check logs

docker logs -f binance-node

CLI access

docker exec -it binance-node /bin/bash
bnbcli version


docker stop binance-node && docker rm binance-node, pull fresh image with docker pull varnav/binance-node and then run again, data and configs in the volume binance-data are preserved.

Run with kubernetes

kubectl apply -f .\kubernetes-deployment.yml
kubectl expose deployment binance-node --type LoadBalancer


Building locally

git clone https://github.com/varnav/binance-node-docker.git
cd binance-node-docker && docker build . -t varnav/binance-node

Run and get access to CLI

docker run --rm -d --name binance-node varnav/binance-node
docker exec -it binance-node /bin/bash
bnbcli version