
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Setting up the environment

The first step is to fork this repo into your own and then pull it to your local computer

git clone https://github.com/yourname/1CademyBots

Create a python virtual environment in the same folder that git created called 1CademyBots

cd 1CademyBots
python -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all necessary packages to run the bot

If you get an error creating a virtual environment, make sure that your installed python version is greater than 3.7.X by running

python -V

The other necessary file is MicrosoftAcademicAPIKey.py which must be created by hand and contain API_KEY = "YOUR_KEY" in order to connect to the Microsoft Research API You can sign up for the api and get your private key here https://msr-apis.portal.azure-api.net

This .gitignore is cofigured for a Visual Studio environment so before creating any pull requests, please add any files created by your IDE to your local .gitignore so they are not accidentally committed to the repository

Working on Tasks

If you are going to work on a part of the bot, please assign yourself to that task in the 1Cademy Team planner or create the task if it does not exist. The 1Plan is only being used for top level tasks and all bug fixes and issues will be tracked through github.

If you are not part of the team please email nfigue@umich.edu for an invite

Creating Pull Requests

Please make commits to your fork of the repo frequently and comment your code to some degree so that other people working can follow your line of thinking. Please only commit to your repo and then submit pull requests to the main repo to be approved by the project manager

If you have any questions please post in the Python Programming Team channel