This workshop will explore the use of code as a creative medium. We will introduce the students to the field of generative art for creating compelling audiovisual artworks by designing algorithmic processes inspired from nature, statistics, biology, and computer science. The workshop will also help to enter the world of computer programming with Processing that enables fast prototyping software, through a simple user interface, hiding the complexity of creating and compiling code. The approach will be practical rather than theoretical, with a strong focus on artistic expression. At the end, students will be invited to present their ideas and works in progress.
DATE: First Class 13-14 February 11:00-16:00 Second Class 2-3 April 11:00-16:00
REQUIREMENTS: No previous programming knowledge necessary. All students must bring their own laptop with the latest version of Processing installed (
LANGUAGE: English.
CLASS SIZE: Limited to 12 per class.