

Based on the Empathize stage of Design Thinking, it is realized that air quality in the vicinity of Bandung is a serious issue affecting the comfort and health of the community. Although the majority of respondents feel comfortable, some experience discomfort, likely due to air pollution primarily from vehicles. Most are aware of the negative impacts of vehicles, but the understanding is limited to the individual contribution of vehicles. Respondents lack knowledge about AQI and air quality, indicating a need for education. Access to AQI data is limited, making it challenging for the community to take preventive measures. The main problem is to increase awareness of the importance of air quality and provide access to AQI information for appropriate improvement measures in the surrounding environment.

To counter the problems that we have identified, we created Potter. Potter is a website that helps people in knowing more about air pollution, the air quality in their region, and other stuff that are related to the cause.

This is a milestone made by Team 18 to fulfill the assignment of SPARTA 2022.

Team 18 members :

  1. Ammar Naufal (19622047)
  2. Owen Tobias Sinurat (19622270)
  3. Imanuel Sebastian Girsang (19622068)
  4. Bastian Natanael Sibarani (19622215)
  5. Novelya Putri Ramadhani (19622135)
  6. Raizan Iqbal Resi (19622029)
  7. Zahira Dina Amalia (19622111)
  8. Juan Alfred Widjaya (19622073)
  9. Jeremy Deandito (19622244)
  10. Alvin Fadhilah Akmal (19622020)
  11. Farrel Natha Saskoro (19622235)
  12. Serenada Cinta Sunindyo (19622024)
  13. Rayhan Ridhar Rahman (19622282)

Milestone Contributions

Buddies P

Menyelesaikan bab 1, bab 2, kesimpulan, rangkuman, dan merapikan laporan, daftar isi, dan ideate

Buddies M

Membuat survei melalui google form, empathize, define, ideate, dan merapikan laporan

Buddies A

Membuat Prototype serta merapikan laporan.

Technical Developer

  1. Owen Tobias Sinurat (19622270)
  2. Imanuel Sebastian Girsang (19622068)

Mengisi Page 'About Us'

  1. Ammar Naufal (19622047)
  2. Bastian Natanael Sibarani (19622215)
  3. Novelya Putri Ramadhani (19622135)
  4. Raizan Iqbal Resi (19622029)
  5. Zahira Dina Amalia (19622111)
  6. Juan Alfred Widjaya (19622073)
  7. Jeremy Deandito (19622244)
  8. Alvin Fadhilah Akmal (19622020)
  9. Farrel Natha Saskoro (19622235)
  10. Serenada Cinta Sunindyo (19622024)
  11. Rayhan Ridhar Rahman (19622282)


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/owenthe10x/Milestone-SPARTA.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Milestone-SPARTA
  3. Install project dependencies using npm or yarn:

    # If using npm
    npm install
    # If using yarn

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:

  • dev: Starts the development server.

    npm run dev
    # or
    yarn dev
  • build: Builds the production-ready application.

    npm run build
    # or
    yarn build
  • start: Starts the production server after building.

    npm run start
    # or
    yarn start
  • lint: Lints the code using ESLint.

    npm run lint
    # or
    yarn lint


This project utilizes several third-party packages for different purposes. Here are the main dependencies:

  • autoprefixer: PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
  • eslint: JavaScript linter for identifying and fixing code issues.
  • eslint-config-next: ESLint configuration specifically tailored for Next.js projects.
  • leaflet: Library for interactive maps.
  • next: React framework for building server-rendered applications.
  • postcss: Tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript.
  • react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-dom: Provides methods for working with the DOM in React.
  • react-fast-marquee: Component for creating horizontally scrolling content.
  • react-leaflet: React components for Leaflet maps integration.
  • tailwindcss: CSS framework for building responsive and modern designs.