
Tugas Besar 2 Aljabar Linier dan Geometri IF2123

Aplikasi Aljabar Vektor dalam Sistem Temu Balik Gambar

Kelompok 44 'S43W79N'

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NIM Nama Anggota
13522053 Erdianti Wiga Putri Andini
13522058 Imanuel Sebastian Girsang
13522062 Salsabiila

About The Program

Our program is designed for comparing an image and several images in a dataset with Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) method. CBIR is a technique used to retrieve images from a database. In CBIR, users input a query image, and the system returns images from the database that are similar to the query image. To identify the most similar images, CBIR assesses the content of the query image in comparison to the images stored in the database. Our program employs two types of CBIR, color and texture.

How To Use The Program

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Change directory to src by running cd src.
  3. Run python on your terminal.
  4. Open a new terminal, then change directory to src by running cd src
  5. Run npm run dev on your terminal.
  6. Follow the local link that appears in your terminal.
  7. Upload your dataset folder by pressing the Upload Your Dataset button for getting dataset from local files or Scrape Web for getting dataset from a website.
  8. Upload the image you want to look for its similarities by pressing the Upload Your Image button.
  9. You can choose between color or texture method by pressing the toggle button.
  10. Press the Search button for starting the comparison process.
  11. Wait for a moment, the results with > 60% similarity will appear below the image. If there are no similar images, the message 'Tidak ada gambar yang mirip!' will appear.
  12. To use camera feature, you can go to Camera page.
  13. Upload your dataset first to activate the camera, then the comparison will running like as before.
  14. You can save the results into a PDF file by pressing Save Your Results? button.

Project Features

Features Status
CBIR with Color Method Completed
CBIR with Texture Method Completed
Capturing Image Using Webcam (Bonus) Completed
Web Scraping (Bonus) Completed
Video (Bonus) Completed
Caching Result (Bonus) Completed
Saving to PDF File (Bonus) Completed
Extracting Other Features for Texture Such As Energy, Dissimilarity, and Correlation (Bonus) Completed

Bonus Video


  1. Halaman Home Website
  • Deskripsi Program Alt text
  • Program Utama Alt text
  1. Halaman About Us Alt text Alt text Alt text

  2. Halaman How To Use Alt text Alt text

  3. Halaman About Project Alt text

  4. Program Utama

  • Upload Dataset Alt text
  • Upload Image Alt text
  • Komparasi CBIR Warna dan Resultnya Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • Penggantian Image Alt text
  • Result Caching CBIR Warna dengan Dataset yang Sama Alt text
  • Penggantian Dataset Alt text
  • Komparasi CBIR Tekstur dan Resultnya Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text
  • Result Caching CBIR Tekstur dengan Dataset yang Sama Alt text Alt text
  1. Fitur Kamera
  • Halaman Kamera Alt text
  • Upload Dataset Alt text
  • Proses Komparasi Alt text
  • Hasil Komparasi Alt text
  1. Web Scraping
  • Upload Dataset Alt text Alt text
  • Result Komparasi CBIR Warna Alt text
  • Result Komparasi CBIR Tekstur Alt text
  1. Save to PDF
  • Result CBIR Warna to PDF Alt text
  • Result CBIR Tekstur to PDF Alt text