
Trochilus: Empowering Regular Expression Matching in the Data Plane

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Regular Expression in the Data Plane

Code Architecture

-- RE Modelization
   -- create_logic_mat_bias.py
   -- create_automata.py
   -- decompose_automata.py
   -- merge_automaton.py
   -- dfa_from_rule.py
   -- fsa_to_tensor.py
   -- load_dataset.py
   -- RE.py
   -- config.py
   -- reverse_regex.py
   -- RE2DFA.py
   -- process_snort_rule.py
   -- MinDFA.py
   -- run_dfa2brnn.py
   -- train_brnn.py
   -- val.py
   -- models
      -- BRNN.py
      -- BRNN_O.py
      -- Baseline.py
      -- net.py
   -- utils
      -- data.py
      -- utils.py
  -- DecisionNode.py
  -- SSPKD.py
  -- SoftTree.py
  -- utils.py
-- P4
   -- common
      -- headers.p4
      -- utils.p4
  -- Trochilus.p4
-- README.md
-- requirements.txt

Run Code

RE Modelization

Run DFA extraction

Download Snort rules and unzip them to "./data/snort/rules/".


Process Snort rules.

python3 process_snort_rule.py

Create m-DFA based on Snort rules.

python3 RE2DFA.py --dataset "category_name"

Merge all category automaton to one automaton.

python3 merge_automaton.py

Run DFA Modelization

Train a BRNN.

# to train a BRNN based on "category_name", see more parameters in our source code.
python3 run_dfa2BRNN --dataset "category_name" --model_type Onehot

Train other baselines (e.g., LSTM).

# to train a LSTM based on "category_name", see more parameters in our source code.
python3 run_dfa2BRNN --dataset "category_name" --model_type MarryUp -rnn LSTM


This code is a sample code for training and testing SMF. Besides, we provide a sample dataset (multi_classification.csv) for testing. Note that the sample dataset only includes hard labeled data. If you want to test the complete SSKD process, you need to run RNN first to get the soft labels.

# to train SMF with labeled data for certain target
python3 SSKD --target "target type"

Run P4 Program

compile P4 code: Trochilus.p4 under your p4 path

cd $SDE/pkgsrc/p4-build
./configure --prefix=$SDE_INSTALL --with-tofino --with-bf-runtime P4_NAME=Trochilus P4_PATH= <your p4 path> P4_VERSION=p4-16 P4C=p4c --enable-thrift
make install


cd $SDE
./run_switchd.sh -p Trochilus