Gomoku, also called Five in a Row, is an abstract strategy board game.
This web application allows playing the game with one-button matchmaking.
Current version is available here
You need two players to start the game, call a friend or open the app in a second browser tab.
✅ One button matchmaking: Enable people to play games without any overhead of creating accounts, searching for tables/open games, etc.
The ultimate goal is to create a modern website for the Gomoku community to play casual games, ranked tournaments and much more.
Below you can see a list of planned features, feel free to contribute :)
✅ Watch live games
🔳 Ingame/global chat
🔳 Private messages or private chat between players
🔳 Player accounts
🔳 Player/global statistics
🔳 Leaderboard + rating system
🔳 Saving/Loading games and playing them
🔳 Public API for accessing played games
🔳 Tournament system for private and public tournaments
🔳 Analysis of played games (maybe integration with game engines?)
🔳 Game variants (swap, swap2 etc)
🔳 Learn to play, puzzles
- .Net on backend
- SignalR and web API to communicate between frontend and backend
- Frontend in Svelte
Contributions to the Gomoku project are welcome!
The main reason this repo is created and maintained is the one hundred commits challenge. Visit https://100commitow.pl/ for more information.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.