
This FastAPI project calculates and delivers the probabilities of Bob winning a turn-based dice game against Alice. The competition involves alternately rolling a fair k-sided die, where the first player to roll a value equal to k wins. The API is designed to assess these probabilities for k-sided dice, ranging from 6 to 99.

The API is versatile, allowing users to specify the k parameter through an optional header K. When this header is included, the endpoint responds with the probability for the specified k. If the header is omitted, the endpoint defaults to returning a comprehensive list of probabilities for the entire range of 6 to 99.


  • Brew
  • Python 3.10
  • Go-Task

Install Brew

Please visit official Homebrew site for detailed guide to install Brew.

Install Python

Use Brew to install the specific version of Python required for this project:

brew install python@3.10

Install Go-Task

Go-Task is used for task automation within the project. Install it using Brew:

brew install go-task


Follow these steps to set up your development environment:

Install project and dev dependencies

This command installs all necessary dependencies for both development and the project itself:

task install-dependencies

Run linter

Ensure code quality and consistency by running the linter:

task lint

Run project tests

Execute the project's test suite to verify everything is functioning correctly:

task test

Run project

To start the FastAPI server and interact with the API locally:

task run

This command launches the FastAPI application, making it accessible via http://localhost:8000. You can explore the API routes using FastAPI's interactive API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs.