GitLabApiClient is a .NET rest client for GitLab API v4.
This package is managed with Nuget, in order to update it, follow the next steps.
- when the code has changed, the Nuget version must increase, there is no "override" mechanism for Nuget versions.
- go to GitLabApiClient.csproj
- increase the value of
- pack the new code and push it to Nuget using the following lines:
cd src/GitLabApiClient
rm bin/Release/Apiiro.GitLabApiClient.*.nupkg
dotnet pack --configuration Release
dotnet nuget push bin/Release/Apiiro.GitLabApiClient.*.nupkg --source "github" --skip-duplicate --no-symbols true
- Targets .NET Standard 2.0
- Fully async
- Thread safe.
- Multi core paging.
- Simple and natural to use.
- Handles URL encoding for you
// if you have auth token:
var client = new GitLabClient("", "your_private_token");
// if you want to use username & password:
var client = new GitLabClient("");
await client.LoginAsync("username", "password");
// create a new issue.
await client.Issues.CreateAsync("group/project", new CreateIssueRequest("issue title"));
// list issues for a project with specified assignee and labels.
await client.Issues.GetAsync("group/project", o => o.AssigneeId = 100 && o.Labels == new[] { "test-label" });
// create a new merge request featureBranch -> master.
await client.MergeRequests.CreateAsync("group/project", new CreateMergeRequest("featureBranch", "master", "Merge request title")
Labels = new[] { "bugfix" },
Description = "Implement feature"
// get a list of projects and find each project's README.
var projects = await Client.Projects.GetAsync();
foreach (var project in projects)
var file = await Client.Files.GetAsync(project, filePath: "", reference: project.DefaultBranch);
var readme = file.ContentDecoded;
// mad science goes here