
This app is a fasting calculator app. Where you can both post stories and make groups to connect with people to help you. It will give you both information on different styles of fasting as well as timers to help you keep on track. This app's goal will be to be a type of clone of Insight Timer, but for fasting instead. My goal is to both copy and implement as much functionality and design as I can from Insight Timer.


These are my minimum requirements.

  • Make a full CRUD app
  • Make full CRUD backend with Ruby on Rails
  • Users can sign up
  • Users can set timers for their fasting, front-end
  • Have timers for different fasting schedules
  • Allow users to post stories and have comments on them
  • Users can update both there account information and posts and comments
  • Users can delete their account as well as the posts and comments
  • Homepage shows all the users posts
  • Make blank skeletons for the other post-mvp pages

Libraries and Dependencies

This project will be a React frontend, Ruby on Rails backend

Library Description
React A javascript library
React Router A router package to be used with react
Tails Winds A styling package
Ruby on Rails Backend library for SQL database

Client (Front End)


This app will be mostly for mobile use.

Mobile wire frame

Component Hierarchy

component hierarchy

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Create Rails app L .5 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs
Scaffold models and tables H 3 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Add routes and model relations H 2 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Testing in postman H 2 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Deploy to heroku H 1.5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Create React app H 2 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Create file structure H 2.5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
create some UI H 1.5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
create api files H 2 hrs 1 hrs TBD
create container and user data H 5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Create forms H 2.5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
React routing to different pages H 2 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Create profile and stories H 5 hrs 1 hrs TBD
Deploy and style H 8 hrs 1 hrs TBD
TOTAL 40 hrs 3 hrs TBD

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

erd model


  • Adding more to the discover and learn page
  • Adding so people can do file upload for images
  • Allow users to join groups and dm each other
  • Allow users to post events they may be hosting
  • Users can post informational guides or help
  • App tracks users progress and they can set goals for themselves

Code Showcase

Use this section to include a brief code snippet of functionality that you are proud of and a brief description.

Code Issues & Resolutions

Use this section to list of all major issues encountered and their resolution.