
A course website made in Laravel using Blade and in agile manner for a Front-end internship

Primary LanguageCSS

Welcome to Project OCW

Project Objective🎯:

In this project we provide an insights on what modern online Courses web application would look like.

💞Firstly, here is word from our team💞

In our project, we were given the task to develop an interactive website for the purpose of providing Courses for our users to advance their knowledge of any topic that they find interesting.

This project was developed via the usage of laravel's latest framework, although this project isn't complete in our standards and is still in beta version, we will continue working on the project and try to provide updates later on.

We would like to thank RMZ tech for their continuous support and tutoring, we would specially like to thank Eng. Mohamed Gamal for his efforts in providing us the necessary tools and knowledge to work on this project.

-The PUA Team💖

Team Members:

Name Github
Ahmed Hemida @Ahemida96
Khaled Eldesoukey @ImmortalBoi
Mohamed Ahmed @Devikaze
Habeba Ahmed @Habeba-Ahmed

## Requirements:
Package Version
Node V14.19.1+
Npm V6.14.16+
Composer V2.2.6+
Php V8.0.17+
Mysql V8.0.27+


Warning Make sure to follow the requirements first.

Here is how you can run the project locally:

  1. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/ImmortalBoi/course-website-project
  2. Go into the project root directory

    cd course-website-project
  3. Copy .env.example file to .env file

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Create database course_website_project (you can change database name)

  5. Go to .env file

    • set database credentials (DB_DATABASE=course_website_project, DB_USERNAME=root, DB_PASSWORD=)

    Make sure to follow your database username and password

  6. Install PHP dependencies

    composer install
  7. Generate key

    php artisan key:generate
  8. Link storage

    php artisan storage:link 
  9. install front-end dependencies

    npm install && npm run dev
  10. Run migration

    php artisan migrate
  11. Run seeder

    php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder

    this command will create an Admin user:

    email: admin@gmail.com , password: password

  12. Run server

    php artisan serve
  13. Visit localhost:8000 in your favorite browser.

    Make sure to follow your Laravel local Development Environment.


  • Page Dark/Light mode activated via these button:

    dark light

  • dark main page darkTheme

  • light main page lightTheme

  • Control Admin panel:

    courses categories

  • Contact form:
