Productfeeds server


This project aims to provide simple http server which can be configured to process external resources from shops and store prices of their products. Please, have a note, that server ignore all products data except of their prices.

How to run the server

To run the server you need to meet these pre-requirements:

  • Installed Node.js platform
  • Running Redis Server

It was tested in Linux environment with Node.js version 8.11.2, npm 5.6.0 If you already have installed Node.js and running Redis, you are almost ready to start service.

Update config file ./config/settings.yaml according to your settings and install dependencies by following command (in root of the project directory):

# npm i

Run the server:

# npm run start


Service supports two endpoints. To get price of product of specific shop make HTTP GET request with query params shopname and product_id. For example, if you configured service to run on the localhost at 8080 port:

GET http://localhost:8080/?shopname=bodfeld&product_id=13953285

200 OK { '13953285': '97.39 EUR' }

If there is no data for that shop or product, server will answer with 404 code. For example:

GET http://localhost:8080/?shopname=foo&product_id=12

404 Not Found { 'error': 'Product Not Found', 'reason': 'There is no data for shop "foo" and product "12"' }

If your make wrong request, You will get according answer with 400 code:

GET http://localhost:8080/?shopname="bodfeld"

400 Bad Request { 'error': 'Bad Request', 'reason': 'Query Param "product_id' is required' }

To update existing data you have to send POST HTTP request without any params. For example:

POST http://localhost:8080/

202 Accepted { "ok": true, "info": "Importing process is started" }

Shops configuration

You are able to configure list of shops to fetch in file ./config/productfeeds.yaml. Service supports two input format: CSV and TXT. Please, look for an example to existing config and add your source if you want it. Please, have a note, that you need to describe name of columns with product_id and price. If you want to use txt input, you also need to put separator string. If you want to use csv file, values will be separated with semicolon by default.

For other formats it's simple to put you own implementation in ./dataSources directory and open PR :)


  • Service will not be able to fetch existing data automatically after it will be started. If you run server with empty Redis cache, you need to send POST request via API to import data.
  • After you send POST request, you'll have response immediately. Because of process of importing data can take long time, service answers you with 202 status code and don't provide guarantee that process is finishing now.
  • Service don't perform any parsing and validation of price column itself. If in input docs price is presented with currency label or sign - it'll be stored "as is".
  • If you want to update shops list via editing ./config/productfeeds.yaml file, you need to restart server to apply new configuration. If you are going to remove shop from config, you also need to remove data from Redis. Currently there is no API for that.
  • Service don't have an ability to block new incoming POST requests while processing previous requests. It's recommended to send POST requests not often that once per five minutes.

Developer Notes

This project follows airbnb code style. If you are not familiar with it, check it here

To lint code, type the command:

# npm run lint