
Tutorial case for simple capillary flow?

BrushXue opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello. I'm trying to simulate a regular capillary flow (water-air) and found this repo. I successfully compiled the source code but had problem setting up my simulation with your improved interface capture algorithm. I was trying to use my own mesh but interFaceFoam still asks for meshingDict

cannot find file

file: ***/system/meshingDict at line 0.

    From function regIOobject::readStream()
    in file db/regIOobject/regIOobjectRead.C at line 72.

FOAM aborting (FOAM_ABORT set)

In your example meshingDict it asks for the following files, which obviously I don't have.

headerName BASENAME.mhd;
inputName BASENAME.tif;
outputSurface  BASENAME0.obj;

In this paper there are lots of test cases, which doesn't seem like related to any 3D image files. I really appreciate if you can share any tutorial case for simple capillary flow (i.e. use interFaceFoam as a interFoam replacement).

@BrushXue Were you able to resolve this issue