
View the newer Gizmo repo at https://github.com/ImperialDyson/Gizmo

Primary LanguagePython

Programming material for Gizmo workshop

All the students will have access to the programming material shown in the workshop.

To copy the repo in your computer just execute the following command line in the terminal:

$cd /path/to/folder
$git clone https://github.com/ICL-DE/Gizmo.git

Introductory Material

Chapter 1: Basic Electronics and Programming

Chapter 2: Raspberry Pi

Chapter 3: Arduino

Chapter 4: Arduino + Raspberry Pi Combo!

Chapter 5: Remote Connection to Raspberry Pi

Chapter 6: Sensors

Chapter 7: Making things move

Supplementary Material

Acknowledgement and Credits

  • Dr. Ariadna Blanca Romero
  • Dr. Jing Sheng Pang
  • Elena Falomo
  • Benedict Greenberg
  • Sparkfun Learn
  • Raspberry Pi Foundation
  • Raspberry Pi GPIO developers