
MacOS version of GTFiber



This is the public-facing repository for the Mac OS version of GTFiber. GTFiber is an open source program for automated quantitative analysis of images of fibrillar microstructures, detailed in Chemistry of Materials. Please cite the paper if you use the software. See the below examples of its application to MicroCT and SEM - although its development was focused on AFM images of semiconducting nanofibers.

If you need to extract fiber length or width distributions, give GTFiber 2 a try!


See GTFiber for Windows for 64-bit Windows version (XP64, 7+).

Running in MATLAB

  • Download the repository to your local machine
  • Extract the repository to your MATLAB active directory
  • Run the command "GTFiber" in MATLAB while in the extracted folder
  • Operate the GUI by following the instructions in "Using GTFiber" below!

Installing the Standalone App

GTFiber comes with an installer that enables users to run the program without MATLAB. After downloading the repository, run "Install the App" and follow the prompts. It will instruct you to download the Matlab Compiler Runtime, which is approximately 700MB, and is necessary to run MATLAB GUIs outside of the MATLAB environment. At the end of installation, it has instructions to change or edit some system files - ignore this and continue. If there are issues, please email me at npersson3@gatech.edu. Open the installed .app by double-clicking on it. Wait at least one minute, even if it appears nothing is happening on your screen. The Matlab Runtime is being loaded and does not display any message to indicate this is happening.

Using GTFiber

Loading an Image

  • File -> Load Image
  • Enter the image's width (not height) in nanometers, with no commas - for example, 5000
  • Wait until a figure appears showing your original image. Do not close this figure - the image must be re-loaded to bring it back up.
  • The name of your image will appear in the upper right once the loading is complete as well.

Choose Filter Parameters

  • Each filter parameter has an editable text box. Enter desired filter parameters, again, with no commas.
  • Filter parameters are generally expressed in nanometers so that they work on images of different resolution, but the same physical size
  • To view the result after any step of filtering, check its "Display Result" box
  • Click "Run Filter" and wait for all progress bars to complete and disappear

Plot Results

  • After clicking "Run Filter", click "Orientation Map" or "OP 2D" to display figures for the calculated results.

Running a Directory of Images

  • "Run a Directory..." will apply your current filter parameters to each image file in a specified directory and output the raw results to a .csv file in that directory
  • If you would like to save the Orientation Map, Orientation Distribution, and 2D order parameter decay plot as figures for each image, check "Save Figures" below the "Run a Directory..." button
  • Allow progress bars to complete, then open the directory to view your results.
  • Images in a single directory should be the same physical size, e.g. 5000 x 5000nm, because the specified Image Width will be applied to all


GTFiber comes with example images from the protocol paper in which it was introduced, to show what each step looks like with good filter parameters.

  • Load an image from the "Example Images" folder, such as "Fig 5A 5000nm.tif"
  • Enter the size of the image, specified in the image's file name
  • Change the default settings to reflect those listed in the caption of Figure 5 of the main paper (defaults are pretty close already)
  • Click "Run Filter", wait for processing to complete
  • Click "Orientation Map"
  • Click "OP 2D"

Coming Soon - Fiber Reconstruction for Length and Width Distributions

These new features are in beta but are included with the latest release of GTFiber. Below is a screenshot of some of the results that can be produced in v2.0, as well as the user interface updates. In the upper right, the color indicates the fiber membership of pixels, not anything related to orientation as with the Orientation Map.