
A basic php project to hands on during lnpp_workshop

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A basic php project to hands on during lnpp_workshop

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Improwised/watch_time.git

What concepts do hands-on cover ?

  • Variables
  • Arrays
  • Looping
  • Conditions
  • Database connection


  • Each exercise is build on top of other exercise. So, make sure each exercise is completed

Exercise - 1 (Variables)

  • Have to define variable in process_movie.php file
  • Flow: User will fill the form define in pages/add.php
  • On submit, form will submit data to process_movie.php which is in back folder
  • process_movie.php contains watched variable example.
  • You have to define variable for movieName and genre
  • Make sure to print the variables on echo statement.

Exercise - 2 (Condition)

  • Have to define condition that if movie's name and genre is set, then and then only execute echo statement
  • It is on index.php file
  • Can see if variable is define or not using isset()

Exercise - 3 (Array)

  • Have to define an associative array called movie
  • It should containe id, name and genre
  • Exercise should be done in index.php file

Exercise - 4 (Looping)

  • Rename movie array to movies and make it as array of associative array like movie.
  • Loop through movies using foreach and see it's effect
  • Exercise should be done in index.php

Exercise - 5 (Function)

  • Exercise should be done in back/greet.php
  • Write greet() function
  • It will echo alert message in script tags
  • Uncomment the greet in request handlers
  • Try to click out greet button in home page

Exercise - 6 (Select movies from db)

  • For that, first user have to configure pg database with php
  • see pg_connection.md
  • Write select query to get movies that are watched
  • Exercise should be done in index.php file

Exercise - 7 (Demo of watched and unwatched)

  • uncomment updateItemWatchValue() function in back/watch_toggle.php and see what happens when you click movie's watch or unwatched buttons

Exercise - 8 (Add movie functionality)

  • try to implement movie adding functionality, exercise can be found in back/process_movie.php
  • movieName and genre should be defined
  • update watch variable using ternery

Exercise - 9 (Demo of deletion of movie)

  • uncomment deleteItem() function in back/delete.php and see what happens when you click delete in any of movie

Exercise - 10 (Updation of movie or series) Practice

  • we have pages/edit.php file which contains edit form for perticuler movie or series

  • Write db function to fetch details of movie from id, and provide it in get request as fetchDetails($id)

  • Assign perticuler variables and edited html properly, so you can see details in that edit form

  • If you do not understand task clearly, just read the comments in edit.php

  • Next when you save the form, process will happen according to update_movie.php

  • Implement updateDetails() function to update the database