
Automatically find and embed song lyrics.

Primary LanguagePython


Automatically find and embed song lyrics.

This script scans a specified directory for audio files, and for each file, finds lyrics from Lyricsify.com or Genius.com (as a fallback), and saves them to the file's metadata.

Perfect for use with Spotiflyer, Retro Music Player, and Syncthing to reduce your dependence on music streaming services.


  1. Install Python.
  2. Install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Copy template.env to .env and add a valid Genius.com access token to it (or set the appropriate environment variable some other way).
    • If no token is provided, only Lyricsify.com will be used as a data source.


Run python main.py and provide the path to your music directory as a command line argument. All audio files must be in this directory - nesting is not supported.