This is a Mandelbrot and Julia set explorer for the Playstation Vita.
- Multithreaded to use all four CPUs at the same time
- Up-clocks the Vita to its full 500 MHz clock speed
- Uses NEON instructions to compute two single-precision points at the same time
- Automatically switches to double-precision operations when zoomed in far enough
- Uses the default palette from XaoS
- Use d-pad to move the current window around
- Use right shoulder to zoom in, left shoulder to zoom out
- Use Square to switch to and from Julia mode
- When switching to Julia mode, the centre of the Mandelbrot window is used as the value of 'c'
- When switching back the Mandelbrot window is restored
- Use Circle to exit
(none of these are promises!)
- Gotta go faster!
- Zoom more like Xaos?
- Touch controls for moving and zooming
- Add menu for changing more options
- Change palette
- Change in/out colour mode
- Save images as PNG (or just rely on the pngshot plugin?)