Installation on TACC

To install and run this container on tacc.

Run the following to pull the structure

git clone

Then Load the Apptainer software, and RStats.

module load tacc-apptainer

module spider Rstats 
module load intel/19.1.1  impi/19.0.9 Rstats

This should create a venv directory in your home. Move it into your repository

cp -r venv/ r-gdal-container/

Finally changethe directory into the workspace.

cd r-gdal-container

You'll then pull the container from Docker

apptainer pull  wmobleytacc/r-gdal-container-tacc:0.2

Change any code you want in the 02_code/myscript.R . Put your data files in the 01_data and link it into the script.

apptainer run r-gdal-container-tacc_0.2.sif

The libraries should load but are 02_code/install_packages.R and the krigr functions are in 02_code/Kriging.R and misc.R