Simple mathematical expression evaluator (aka calculator) built using Nom, Pratt Parser, LLVM, Cranelift and Relm.
- abbychauRakuten Payment
- azoneGlow, Inc.
- cezarmathe@kiwicorp @FieldMaterials
- ChrisLinn@Fluidex & @ZenGo-X
- Cupnfish
- D1mon
- deciduously@tangramdotdev
- expaseinfinite
- happydpc
- icew4ll
- JermineHuNanJing of China
- kellpossibleGeorgia
- kwuieeTianjin
- LimeEng
- LooMaclinRust
- matthiasbeyerSoftware Engineer @ifm
- medson10Votorantim, Brazil
- meteor-lsw
- midoublelo@exedys @jingle-lang
- miketang84Vancouver
- mklf@bupt
- nottxyBeijing
- nsbgn
- Pengxn@xn-02f
- readlnh
- rgaitherNorth Carolina
- richoxKuaishou
- shirshak55New York, United States
- simple555a
- skvorn
- stupidanimal
- suyash-binaryCyberjaya, Malaysia
- tan-weiBeijing
- The-Geek-Squad
- tlightsky
- Vardan95