
Given a web graph, compute the page rank of each node. Use MPI

Primary LanguageC

Pagerank computation by power iteration method


Given a webgraph (such as one here or here), compute the pagerank of each webpage.


A webpage can be considered important and of a higher rank, if many other pages point (link) towards it. Therefore, it is useful to think of a network as a directed graph with the webpages being its nodes or vertices and the links being its edges. See this page from Cornell for more information and understanding.

Now, matrices can be powerful representations of graphs, allowing for further investigation. Central to the computation of pagerank is the development of a weighted adjacency matrix.

From a useful link from UT Dallas,

The adjacency matrix for a graph with n vertices is an n×n matrix whose (i,j) entry is 1,if the ith vertex and jth vertex are connected, and 0 if they are not. In our case, instead of the entry 1 for each edge, the entry will be 1/k where k is the number of outward links from vertex i.


The page rank vector, R(t+1) = d M R(t) + (1-d)/N where

  • R(t) is pagerank vector of the previous iteration
  • d - damping factor, usually 0.85
  • M - weighted adjacencyh matrix
  • N - number of nodes

The power iteration consists of repeated iterations of the above computation until convergence is achieved. The convergence criterion is just the comparison of l2 norms. ||R(t+1) - R(t)|| < error.

Large graph?

Since, a vertex will be connected to only few other vertices, most of the entries in the weighted adjaceny matrix will be zero. The resulting matrix will be very sparse. Also, a sizeable webgraph (see here for examples) will have tens of thousands of nodes. Hence we will need a technique which can efficiently store these large sparse matrices without running out of memory.

Common ways for storing large sparse matrices are:

  1. Compressed row storage (CRS)
  2. Compressed column storage (CCS)

The CCS storage technique has been used in this implementation and it consists of creation of three arrays:

  • val - Holds all non zero entries.
  • rowind - Contains the corresponding row indices of the elements in val.
  • colptr - Contains the indices of val array of thos elements which start a new column.

This repository contains two serial implementations of pagerank computation for the datasets data0.dat and data1.dat. Additionally, mpi_data1.c is a parallel implementation of the same in MPI (Message passing interface).

A description of the scatter operations done in MPI are given in Readme_mpi.txt.